Chapter 6

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**Picture of Tessa and Jake**

I invited Jake in. We watched movies and had small chat for a few hours. Time had flew by without us even knowing. I suggested he stayed the night, he could sleep on the couch and I'd sleep in my room. He agreed. We said goodnight and I went upstairs to my room.

It's been a year since you've been gone daddy, I hate being away from you, the military is so unfair. A man came knocking on the door, "Hello, Mrs.Bradley?" "My mother's not here right now, I'm the daughter of James and Deliylah Bradley, can I help you?" He gave me a sympathetic smile, gave me a letter, and said "I'm sorry for your loss" I screamed "No! Please! No! This can't be true! This can't be happening! No! Please!" I dropped to the ground. I slowly started opening the letter it read "To my dearest daughter Tessa, oh Tess, I'm so sorry you are so young, you sho-" "Tessa! Tessa! Tessa! Wake up! Tessa! Please wake up!" I jolted up and opened my eyes, I was screaming and crying. Thank god it was just a nightmare. I sighed in relief. Still crying, Jake wrapped me in his arms and I knew I had to explain.

Jake made us coffee, it was 3 in the morning. We sat there looking at each other. I closed my eyes then opened them and began. "When I was 4 years old, my father left for the military. He was gone for years at a time. He'd come back for a few months then leave again. Ever since then I've had nightmares about him getting killed. I'm so terrified of losing him. He should be back any time within the next week, and what if he doesn't come back Jake?" I started crying again. He wrapped me in his arms. "Tessa, I can't tell you he will come back, because I don't know that, but I can tell you to stay positive and hope for the best, okay? Stop crying, you are too beautiful to cry, and if one day he doesn't come back, I will be here by your side, okay?" I nodded and smiled at him. He then said "Tessa?" "Yeah?" I said. "I lost both of my parents in a car accident. I know how it feels. The nightmares? I have them too." " I'm so sorry, I'm here for you too, okay?" "Okay" he said.

For the next few hours, we stayed cuddled up on the couch, telling each other things, secrets, fears, and asking questions. It was amazing. I didn't want this night to end. But unfortunately, we had school in the morning, and it was already 5 in the morning. Jake looked at me and said "Goodnight Tessa May Bradley" and smiled. "Goodnight Jake Morgan Huntington" I said. He kissed my forehead and I walked upstairs and curled back into bed and went to sleep.

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