"Amazed on you"

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*Syo's POV

Well, today is.friday so I ran hurriedly to our class to pass my song to Hyuga-sensei. I really idolized him since I saw him on tv, he's so cool and very professional when it comes in acting. I really want to be like him someday so I will try my best to fulfill my dreams!

As I was about to turn in one of the path, I saw Lei walking towards my direction, I went to a stop so she immediately noticed me. "Syo-kun?" she said.

"Lei, why are you here? Your class is in that way, right?" I asked, pointing behind her. "Hai, but I was looking for you a minute ago, good that I found you." she said in relief. "So what do you want then?" I asked then he handed me a music sheets.

"What's this?" I asked, staring at the music sheets she gave me. "Mikage-chan wrote it for you, she said thank you for last day." she said and smiled sweetly. Looking at her firmly, I felt something tickles my stomach inside and it makes me feel warm..Hey, what?! What am I saying?!

I shook my head quickly to wave off that feeling. "Eh? You don't like it?" she asked, tilting her head the reason of her makes even cuter. "N-no! Th-that's not what I meant! I was just thinking something earlier.. Uh, thanks for this." I said and smiled.

She chuckled and  stepped backward, "Well, I gotta go back now.. See you later, Syo-kun." she waved her hands before leaving. I just gazed on her when something suddenly popped out inside my mind.

"Uugghh! I almost forgot why am I hurrying earlier!" I cringed and ran as fast as I can to reach my class in time.


*Lei's POV

I'm sitting on my chair while Ringo-sensei is talking about what is the right thing to do as an idol and composer when Mikage-chan threw a folded paper on my desk, I looked at her first and she pointed the paper whom she threw earlier. I unfolded the paper and read what's inside it, "What did Kurusu-san said after you gave my composed song to him?" I read silently then wrote my answer below her question.

[He said "thanks"]

After writing, I threw the paper back to her, she read it and squeak. I saw her blushed so I chuckled, I think she likes Syo-kun.

"Lei-chan " Ringo-sensei called so I stood up immediately, "Hai Sensei!" I said. "Come here to the front, please." Ringo-sensei commanded then I obeyed him.

"I want you to sing a song again, I loved your song last day so I want to hear it again." Ringo-sensei requested. "Uhm, okay.." I said and nodded. Ringo-sensei smiled and clapped his hand, "Well, Vivi-chan... Mind if you play the piano for her?" he asked. "Okay." Vivi-chan replied and walked towards the piano. As she sat at the piano, she began playing it and also I began singing.

After finishing my song, everyone applauded and whispered some compliments on me and Vivi-chan.

"She has a cute and nice voice, right?" one girl whispered audibly on her girl seatmate.

"Yeah, as well as the piano skills of Hanase-san." the second girl agreed.

---time skip---

Our class was done early so me, Haruka-chan, Vivi-chan, Tomo-chan, Na-chan, Otoya-kun and Masa-kun went to the S Class to see what's their activity. As we got there, we saw Syo-kun preparing for his turn.

"Wow! What a timing! We will see Syo-chan's performance!" Na-chan said excitedly. I just watched him and waited for him to sing.

"Oh, you're here?" a voice suddenly interrupts my concentration so I looked to where the voice is and saw a tall guy with a night blue hair along with his night blue eyes. He's looking at Otoya-kun, "Tokiya. We were dismissed early so we decided to come here." Otoya-kun replied. Wow, this guy is so handsome, he reminds me of Hayato-sama. Are they twins or something? And, as I can see, Otoya-kun and this guy looks close to each other. Maybe they knew each other for a long time.

"Tatsumi." Otoya-kun called so I snapped out of my thought. "Huh? What is it?" I asked. "Anyways, he is my roomate, Ichinose, Tokiya." Otoya-kun introduced the guy, patting him on the shoulder. "I'm Tstsumi, Lei. Pleased to meet you, Ichinose-san." I said and bowed. "Pleased to meet you too, Tatsumi-san." Ichinose-san smiled so I smiled back at him.

A few seconds later, the music has started. We turn our gaze to Syo who is now at the front, wearing headphones and mouth's close to the mic. Syo-kun noticed me then smiled. That moment, I realized something..

He's more cuter and hotter everytime I saw him smiles at me.




Syo-kun is so amazing! His voice makes my heart warm inside.. I wish I can hear him sing again...

Syo's song was finished so now we're walking towards the cafeteria to have lunch.

"Syo-kun! That was amazing!" Haruka-chan complimented. "Really? Thank you, Nanami!" Syo-kun replied happily and grinned.

"Good job, ochibi-chan. "  Ren said.

"Don't call me a shorty!" Syo-kun yelled at Ren. I laughed silently but Syo-kun heard it since I'm just beside him. "Why are you laughing at?" Syo-kun asked   "Ano.. You're just too cute. " I muttered.

"Don't call me cute!" Syo-kun warned. "Eh? O-okay.." I said."Ohh, but that's true, Syo-chan.. You really are cute!" Na-chan said. "I said, don't call me cute! I'm a man!" Syo-kun yelled again. I just chuckled of Syo-kun's behavior until we made it to the school cafeteria.

"Lei." Syo-kun said. "Hm?" I looked at him, questioningly. "What do you think of my performance earlier?" he whispered. "That was really a heartwarming, Syo-kun. The truth is, I want to hear you sing again." I said gladly.

Syo-kun giggled, "Sure! Thanks!" he said. "C'mon minna-san!" Otoya-kun said.

"Hai!" all of us replied.

Suddenly, Syo-kun held my hand so I wondered and blushed slightly. What's this feeling?

He looked at me in a second then dragged me to our table.

You're My Strength (Syo Kurusu x OC) [ON GOING]Where stories live. Discover now