Spill the beans

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I can't believe Grayson Bailey Dolan just asked me out and even better, I said yes.

after I jumped out of his arms I went into my house and felt a buzz come from my pocket.

I pulled out my phone to see what it was.

Emma had texted me.

Y/n; "why? what's wrong?"
Y/n; "okay okay, I'm coming."

I packed a bag and put in my pajamas, clothes for tomorrow, hair brush, tooth brush and a little bit of make up so I don't look like a ratchet mess when I wake up.

"MUM IM GOING OVER TO EMMAS FOR THE NIGHT, IS THAT OKAY?" I yell out to my mum as I was still in my room.

"Sure Hun, do you want me to drive you? or do you want to walk there?" she asked.

"no thanks I'll just walk" I was half way down the stairs and saw my mum.

"okay be safe" she smiled.

"I will, bye love you" I blew her a kiss on my way out the door.

"bye love you too" she caught the kiss and but it in her pocket.

I started walking to Emma's house and on the way there I saw Grayson and Ethan's house I decided not to go and knock on the door because Emma wants me to go to her house "immediately".

I arrived at her house and knocked on the door.

she opened it straight away and pulled me inside.

"What's going on?" I was confused.

"um that's what I wanna know?" she gave me a face that says *i know what happened*

"what are you on about Em" I started licking my lips.

"what happened between you and Grayson? he tweeted something along the lines of
'I think I just met the girl of my dreams' with a heart eyed emoji" she gave me a bitch face.

"wait he tweeted that?" I blushed.

"yes! but that's not the point how did it go down? did you kiss him?" she seemed like she wanted to know everything.

"well first I was walking home from school and I heard foot steps behind me and I didn't know who it was so I started running and they ran after me, turns out it was Grayson trying to catch up to me, he scared the living day lights out of me" I told some of the story.

she nodded and wanted to know more.

"okay then he wanted to walk me home and half way through walking me home he held my hand, our hands fitted together like puzzle pieces and they were missing at first but found again" I continued.

"keep going what happened next" she made a weird hand movement that said *spill the beans already*

"well then he just popped the question and I said yes and I jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly, it was like time around me stopped and it was only us too, together not leaving each other's presence" I finished.

"that's it? didn't you kiss him?" she was a little bummed.

"no. I'm waiting for the right moment" I gazed off looking around her house.

"well when you do kiss him, tell me everything" she was really interested.

"okay, anyway don't you think it's a little late?" I was a little tired.

"yeah a little but first can we watch a movie?" she wined like a child.

"yes we can, but after that I'm going to bed" I replied.

"goodie" she jumped like a little girl as if she were to get a barbie doll.

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