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Again, I dedicated a chapter to a picture since I still had no fans at this point.


"But, Calum! Have you seen his butt?" Luke sighed, holding his chin in the palm of his hand as his elbow resting on his knee.

Calum rolled his eyes at Luke, who was supposedly 'secretly' spying on Ashton. Calum got up and threw his half empty plate away and when he returned to his seat, he found Luke still gawking at the boy across the room.

Ashton seemed to be casually joking around with his friends.

"Luke. I'll never understand how you're much more comfortable stalking him than actually talking to him," Calum mumbled while shaking his head. He crossed his arms and rested them on the table, letting his head fall upon them.

Luke snorted. "Last time I checked you weren't the one who crashed into him with a bike." Both boys cringed at the thought.

Suddenly the bell rang, and Calum quickly joined the pack of students racing to get out of the cafeteria.

Luke took a while to get his stuff together, getting distracted by everyone passing by. He didn't know why he felt the urge to look at everyone's face, but he once again shrugged it off and merged into the herd of students.

He and Calum only had two classes without each other, and that was Art and Advanced General Music.

Advanced General Music happened to be Luke's favorite class, so when he heard his best friend wouldn't be there, he was quite upset. It's not that Calum wasn't as good as Luke, but because when Luke had Advanced General Music, Calum had Art and vice versa.

Luke made it to the auditorium right on time and put his books on a seat before joining the others on stage. Everyone would sit in their usual chairs in a circle and wait for Mr.Foilman to give instructions.

"So, who's up for some guitars today?" Mr.Foilman said, the corner of his mouth twitching up. Everyone cheered in excitement, especially Luke.

AGM wasn't about learning notes or chords or anything like that. It was about using your knowledge on that and applying it to the instruments. They would often make songs, or hold concerts and have to perform in front of the class. Most kids dropped out due to stage fright. That's why there were only about 14 people in Luke's class, but he loved it nonetheless.

"Alright then, let's get started. You all know where the guitars are, so get going," Mr.Foilman muttered. Everyone quickly went backstage and returned with a guitar, one by one. Once everyone was seated, Mr.Foilman spoke again.

"Today, you're going to form you're own band!" Everyone gave him a strange look.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. Anyway, you're going to form your own band and perform a song we've learned in these past 3 months. You have these entire two weeks to practice," he explained. Still, everyone looked at him in utter horror, thinking about the limited amount of time given to do so. "There will be three bands or groups. Two groups of five, one group of four. Alright then, go ahead."

Everyone quickly picked their partners, and unfortunately, Luke was left alone with 3 other students he didn't know. Luke walked up to them and introduced himself.

"My name's Luke," Luke grinned and took his hand out. The boys glanced around awkwardly and Luke was going to put his hand down, until one boy finally shook it.

"Michael. Michael Clifford," he whispered with a small smile. Although it was a small smile, it made Luke feel welcomed. The other boys soon introduced themselves too, one being Ian and the other being Cody. Soon, all the boys started to feel comfortable with each other and began to joke around.

"And remember class, this will be presented on November 23. You have this weekend and two extra weeks. I expect much from my advanced class." The students nervously laughed, knowing that this would play a huge role in their grade.

They were all left to chat and discuss what they were going to perform for the rest of the period. But while Michael and Luke were working, Ian and Cody were fooling around. Finally, Michael and Luke gave up and exchanged phone numbers so that they could work together later.

"What grade are you in?" Michael asked, scooting his chair closer to Luke's.

"Sophomore. What about you?"

"I'm a Junior," Michael responded. Luke only hummed in response, nodding slightly.

"I've also seen you checking out my friend, Ashton."

Luke, surprisingly, wasn't caught off guard by the topic. He was used to changing topics.

"Yeah? Tell your friend to stop being so hot then," Luke huffed. Michael gave him a strange look, but then chuckled.

"Wait. Actually, don't tell him that. Then he'll think I have a crush on him, which I don't. I totally don't. Nope, he's really gross," Luke nervously mumbled.

Michael nodded in amusement. Ashton and Michael had known for quite a while now, but Michael decided against telling Luke, not wanting him to feel embarrassed.

"You're pretty quiet, you know? I wish you talked more. Then I could stop rambling a lot. I'm kind of surprised you're not annoyed by this yet, me talking a lot. But then again, I thought Calum was too." Michael tensed for a second when he heard Calum.

He didn't want to be reminded of what he had almost done to him. Before Luke could suspect anything, Michael put a grin on his face that reassured Luke that he was just listening.

The bell rang, and all the students were slow to leave, still exchanging numbers and such. Luke bid his goodbyes to the three boys and rushed to his next class, Science.

He sat in his regular seat in the back with Calum and was shaking with excitement. He really wanted to tell Calum about the conversation he had with Michael. Just before Calum could question Luke's excitement, the teacher walked in.

"Good morning, class. Today we're going to be do something quite exciting." That's all that Luke heard before he zoned out. It was never easy for Luke to pay attention, although he tried. It wasn't even about paying attention, it was that he couldn't read words and numbers as well as the other kids.

That's why he liked music. Luke understood the notes, and although he wouldn't understand the numbers and letters, he knew exactly where they were. If you told him to play an E minor, he could just find the string and pluck it. Nothing had to be learned, and Luke questioned why everything couldn't be as simple as that. Why liking Ashton couldn't be as simple as that.

 Why liking Ashton couldn't be as simple as that

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ADHD » lashton (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt