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YOU'RE ALL SO WONDERFUL AND THANK YOU FOR VOTING! Like, it really means a lot because people actually wait for an entire month just to see one of my chapters and that's just? Amazing? I don't even know the word for it.


"Michael, I know you're awake. You can stop trying to fake being asleep," Calum sighed, scooting his chair closer to the hospital bed to pull down the blanket covering Michael's face.

Michael, in response, lifted the blanket up and over his face again, muttering, "Don't threaten me, Hood. Ask Ashton. He'll tell you what I did the last time he tried to wake me up."

"You?" Calum asked with a small smirk on his lips, leaning forward so that his elbows rested on his knees. "Shut up, Michael. You're like a kitten."

"Am not!" He said, twisting to face the opposite side of the room where Calum wasn't sitting. However, he sucked in a sharp breath, thinking that the doctors still had not removed any of the needles from the previous night, but they did. Once he looked down at his arms, Michael breathed out in relief as Calum shook his head and sighed, removing the blanket from covering Michael's head once more.

"Are you hungry? I want to call Luke so we can go to Big Brekky's or something." (A/n: sorry, I don't know any Australian Breakfast Restaurants so I looked them up and found this in Sydney.)

"I don't want to," Michael whined, throwing his head back onto the pillow."I just want to go home. I just- I feel too weak to do anything."

Calum sighed, deciding that it probably was a bit too early to eat outside anyway, looking at the time on his phone. In glowing numbers, the time read 6:46 A.M.

"You're right. Ashton and Luke must be home already. I'll take you home to get some rest in the meantime. Want me to give them a call so we can hang out later?"

Michael perked up at this, thinking his plan had worked. Luke was finally separated from Calum, and Ashton and Luke were finally able to get close.

Then he realized that if Calum called, he might ruin the entire plan and Luke would immediately meet up with Calum as soon as possible. And knowing Ashton, if the plan worked, he'd probably call Michael a million times saying he can't go through with it because Luke's just a sweetheart.

"Actually? I think we should just make this a 'you and me' day. How does that sound?" Michael suggested, purposely using his 'innocent look' on Calum.

 How does that sound?" Michael suggested, purposely using his 'innocent look' on Calum

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ADHD » lashton (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt