Chapter Two

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A tide of uneasiness came over my body, my stomach felt like someone had twisted my insides into a knot.

"I feel a change in the Pharaoh's behaviour, he has not called me to his bed in over a month" I said nervously to Neva who was brushing my hair in preparation for tonight's supper.

"Do you think he has found another?" I asked nervously.

"He is the Pharaoh of Egypt, you know how much he has to do as ruler. He loves you Ife, do not fret." Neva said spinning my hair into a Greek knot.

I sighed, "I feel especially uneasy tonight, I sense that something will happen" I said putting my hand to my temple.

"Do not worry Mistress, enjoy yourself, for you are the most envied woman in all Egypt" Neva whispered.

I clasped my hands in thanks, Neva always knew what to say. She finished my hair and rubbed sweet smelling oils to my body, she put dark Kohl and teal paste on my eyes and sprinkled some Nile Water over my head.

"To ward off the demons" Neva added as she sprinkled the water.

I laughed quietly, Neva was the most superstitious a Roman could get. Neva was an unexpected child, her father, Julius Caesar had lain unwilling Selene (her mother) harshly, as Julius abandoned them, Selene learned to love her daughter.

"Now, go out there and make the Gods proud" Neva said.

I laughed quietly and went out into the hallway, I could hear the silence as the Peacock feathers blocked me from being seen. I signalled the servants to lift the feathers as I was examined by the court.

My blue tunic woven with Rubies shined in the pink and gold sunset. I gracefully glided over to the Royal Family's table. My love glanced at me quickly, then returned to look at his food.

"How odd" I thought.

It was just the Pharaoh, Cleopatra, Arisone, and I for the little Princes were off asleep. Cleopatra and Arisone glanced at me as one would say "What happened with the Pharaoh?".

I merely shrugged and went to eat, there were meals after meals after meals served to us until I thought I would burst. I felt a little bile come up in my throat, but I shrugged it off as reflux so I drank some wine.

A few moments later, I felt something come up in my throat, before I could go into the privacy of my own chambers I threw up, all over my plate, some even dripping on the floor.

I felt my face get hot with embarrassment as the whole court started at me, mouth agape, shocked. I felt tears start to spill over as the servants started cleaning up my mess.

Cleopatra and Arisone gave me sympathetic glances as my maids walked me away. I started sobbing as I threw myself onto my bed.

"Shhhh, it's okay" Badra and Neva said rubbing my back.

"No! It's not okay! I've just publicly embarrassed myself, in front of everyone! My reputation is ruined!" I sobbed, Kohl stinging my eyes from the crying but I didn't care.

"Your reputation is not ruined, Mistress" Badra said soothingly.

I shook my head and walked over to the mirror.

"Come, let us get you cleaned up." Neva said taking my hand.

They washed me and dressed me in a plain linen shift and robe. I brushed my hair and carefully took my makeup off. When Badra was reading to me, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Neva said sharply.

"A message from the Pharaoh" a man's voice said gruffly.

Neva huffed and opened the door, she snatched the scroll out of his hands and slammed the door.

"Here you are, Mistress" she said handing me the scroll.

I nodded and unrolled it.

Dearest, My Love, My true Queen,

I will always write. Remember who I am, and remember who you are, Honourable Maid of Isis, Mistress of the Pharaoh, Protecter of Cleopatra and Arisone of the Nile.

Ptolomey, Pharaoh of Egypt

"He wants me to remember who I am, probably meaning my reputation is clean as ever and that he will always write me letters telling me of his love for me" I said plainly, tossing the letter aside.

"Come Badra, read me some more Poems" I said sighing.

Badra nodded, her sweet voice filled my head until I drifted off into sweet darkness.

The next morning, Neva was shaking me.

"My lady!" Neva hissed.

"Yes?" I said groggily, I rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly.

"Come, please get ready now. I have something urgent I must tell you." Neva said emotionless.

After I finished getting ready, I looked at Neva expectedly.

"Let us go to the gardens, and I will tell you the news" Neva said.

I nodded, as we were walking down the hallway I saw guards approach us.

"Yes?" Neva asked wearily.

"Ptolemy Aulutes has fled the country. He sneaked out in the dead of night after he discovered a plot on his life. He is no longer Pharaoh and is a traitor. May Set be his steadfast. There are now two Queens of Egypt, Queen Trypheana, and Queen Bernice. You both will swear loyalty to them this evening" the captain of the guard said.

"What?" I said clutching Neva's arm.

I began to feel dizzy and the floor looked even more inviting. I fell to the floor. I saw Neva's and the guards' blurry shape.

"My lady-" I heard Neva say before I drifted off into the sweet arms of darkness.

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