Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up to the sounds of wheels on carts rolling around in the street. I quickly sat up, wondering how I got here, then it all came back. I slowly pushed my covers away and looked down, I was still wearing the same dress from last night. I slowly got to my feet and used the chamber pot. I walked out of my room and into the sitting area. I saw Emmis sitting on a mat with a man right beside her.

"Ah Ife," Emmis began getting up and walking towards me.

"Meet my husband, Allaut." She said walking me to him.

He stood up and bowed.

"Lady of Isis" he mumbled.

I nodded in acknowledgment and looked at him intently. He had a head of grey and white hair-late forties or early fifties- and was wearing a wine coloured kilt and sandals.

"Thank you for having me in your home" I said quietly.

"Anything for Princess Cleopatra and Princess Arisone. We would do anything to get the Pharaoh back on the throne." He replied.

"Well, let's eat." Emmis said leading us both to the dining area.

While we ate we talked, I found out that Allaut worked as a carpenter and Emmis worked as a seamstress.

"Please call me Alla. Everyone calls me Alla." He said.

"As you wish." I said smiling at him.

He smiled back at me.

"Emmis" I began.

"Yes?" She said looking at me.

"I could help you with sewing. My mother taught me when I was young, she always said I could be a seamstress when I got older." I said.

"No" She said sternly.

"Why?"  I questioned.

"I don't want a Lady of Isis put to work"  Emmis replied politely.

"I don't mind getting my hands dirty" I said.

"You are with child"

"So? It's not like i'm bursting at the seams with child."

"And? You are still with child and I don't want you to collapse of fatigue"

"I could sit down and spin"

Alla interrupted and said, "I honestly don't know any reason that Ife couldn't just sit and spin my dear."

Emmis sighed and nodded.

"Then it's settled. Ife, you start tomorrow" Alla said.

"Great" I said smiling.

He went upstairs so it was just Emmis and I.

"If you don't feel good even for a second, you tell me and I will send you home, understood?" She said sharply.

I quickly nodded and her sharp face turned into a gentle smile.

"I wouldn't want two babies dying on my account." She said laughing.

"Don't worry." I said smiling.

"Especially the Pharaoh's children. Does he know?" She asked me.

"I wrote to him about it, but he didn't say anything about it in his reply so I honestly don't know what his thoughts are on the matter." I said truthfully.

"Well, whatever he may think, I just want you to know that Alla and I are behind you and we are here to support you." She said reaching across the table and touching my hand and looking into my eyes intently.

"Thank you for your kindness" I said.

"I'm sure anyone would accept to shelter the Pharaoh's happiness." She said smiling tenderly.

"Most people think I'm a whore" I said.

"Have you given yourself to someone else before the Pharaoh?" She asked.

"No. Two years ago when I was nineteen, at my brother's High Priest initiation, he was there. At first he fell in love with my body, I gave myself to him that night. The next day, my brother sent me to court with the Pharaoh, because apparently he didn't want me around anymore. Last year, the Pharaoh told me that he loved me. He said that he had thought that I would just be his mistress, known for my body and nothing else, but he said that I had shown him kindness, and respect and that's what made him love me. Besides the great lovemaking of course." I said, tears filling up my eyes as the need for his arms around me reached a new height.

"Oh Ife." Emmis said standing up and hugging me.

I burst into tears, I hated being away from everyone I loved, my brother, my love, Cleopatra, Arisone, and Neva, Badra...

"Shhh..It's alright Ife.." Emmis said rubbing my back soothingly.

"Would you like to rest?" She asked softly.

I yawned and nodded, I went back to my room and laid down. Suddenly I felt a wave of exhaustion take over my body and I fell asleep.

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