Chapter Eight

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"I'm in even more danger now that Bernice is sole Queen. She hated me more than the snake did" I whispered to Cleopatra as we were laying down on her bed.

"I will make sure you and the baby stay safe" she said softly.

"Cleopatra-"I began.

"Yes?" She said.

"Promise me you won't do anything dangerous. You are like a little sister and daughter to me, and I couldn't bear it if something happened to you" I said.

"I won't make any promises" she said winking.

We both started laughing, the candle illuminated the whole room, making it seem like heaven. Someone knocked on the door and a maid answered it. A messenger handed her a scroll and she shut the door.

"It says it is for both of you" the maid said, looking at it.

"Give it here" Cleopatra said.

The servant gave it to Cleopatra and she opened it.

"It's from my father" Cleopatra whispered.

"Leave us" I told the servant girl.

She bowed and left the room.

"You read it" Cleopatra said handing me the scroll.

I nodded.

"It says-"I began.

"Dearest daughter,
This may be the last letter that I send to you for by the time you get this, we have been gone for a week. We hope to get the Roman's support and help me reclaim my throne. I have sent a letter to Bernice telling her that if she steps down from the throne, then I will spare her life. For if she doesn't, then I will have her executed. I hope that you are doing well, be careful of what Bernice gives you, she may try to poison you so always remember to have your food and drink tasted. Watch over your younger sister for me.

Love, Your Father,

Ptolomey XII, Pharaoh of Egypt"

"Then he wrote to me" I said.

"Read on" Cleopatra said gently.

"Ife, My love,

My heart and soul aches for you. I miss your kind words and wisdom you have shown me. I know that you might be angry with me for not telling you or warning you about my plan, and I understand. I now regret being cold to you in my last days at court. My dear Ife, remember I will always love you, and if I don't return to Egypt always remember that I will always be with you in your heart.

All my love,

Ptolomey XII, Pharaoh of Egypt"

I finished. I started crying,

"I don't know- he didn't say anything about the baby" I said crying.

"Shhh, it will be okay." Cleopatra said wrapping her arms around me.

"I hate that I cry so much now" I said angrily.

My emotions were everywhere, one second I'm happy, the other I'm sad, then I go to angry.

"You can't help it, Ife. My mother helped deliver many babies. I will take you to her, she will understand you more than I." She said standing up.

"I'll lend you one of my dresses" Cleopatra said.

She nodded to one of her maids and Cleopatra walked out. The maid came back with a Rose coloured dress with golden sandals.

"Thank you" I said quietly.

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