Chapter One

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I stared out into the beautiful ocean as I leaned against my marble balcony, the salty ocean air blowing past me. I truly couldn't believe how much my life had changed in a short period of only two years. Two years ago, I was the barely nineteen year old sister of the newly appointed High Priest Of Egypt, also the newly-appointed Lady Of Isis. Two years later, I was now the twenty-one year old Lady Of The Nile, Mistress Of Queens, and Lord Protector Of Princess Cleopatra and Arisone. All of these titles were of course awarded by my love, Pharaoh Ptolemy XII Of Egypt.

These titles only increased my wealth and power among the nobility. The Pharaoh first laid eyes on me at my brother's coronation, and was quickly smitten with my beauty. Later in the evening, my brother encouraged me to do his majesty's bidding, hoping that I would be taken off his hands and into the wondrous world of the Pharaoh's court. I managed to enchant his majesty with my charm and my wit quickly, and the next morning, I was off to court.

When I arrived at court, it was a entirely new world, full of dances, immense wealth, and suddenly, I had power. Despite my high status, I didn't have many friends, except for my two closest maids; twenty-five year old Neva and thirteen year old Badra, and the Pharaoh's younger daughters; fifteen year old Cleopatra, and fourteen year old Arisone. I was interrupted by my reminiscing as I heard a maid enter my rooms. I turned around to see one of Cleopatra's many maids waiting on me.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked.

"His majesty requests your presence in his chambers, my lady" She replied.

I nodded and I followed her to my love's enormous chambers. The guards opened the wide doors and I was immediately wrapped in the smell of incense and wine. As I saw the Great Pharaoh reclining on his chair by his balcony, I bowed and waited for his signal for me to arise.  He beckoned me closer with his hand and I sat at his feet.

"Hello, my love" He said softly in Egyptian.

I smiled in response and placed my hand upon his cheek.

"I am overjoyed to see that you are well, your majesty. I see that the physicians have taken great care of you. I can't believe that someone placed a poisonous snake in your majesty's room only a month ago. It is even more worrisome that they haven't found the culprit or the snake. I fear that the culprit will try it again." I confessed to him.

"It is in the hands of the God Of Fate, Shai, now my love. Do not fret. I'm sure Set has already punished the man for committing such a crime." He replied reassuringly.

"Also, I hear that the rebellion has not been squashed yet, my love..." I whispered, immediately regretting speaking the words as soon as I did. "I'm sorry my lord, I speak of things that I should not." I said, lowering my eyes.

He stroked my cheek lovingly and whispered in my ear "No, sweetheart, we must always speak freely with each other. That's what love is. Yes?"

I giggled and nodded. "Your lesser wife, Cleopatra V and I have organized a celebration in honor of your health."

"It is tonight if your majesty would grace us with your presence" I added softly.

He nodded, and sighed as one of his advisers entered the room, he waved me out of the room and I smiled as the door closed behind me. As I entered my chambers, I announced that I would take a bath to prepare for the celebration tonight. I waved off the rest of my maids besides Neva and Badra. I sighed as I sunk down against the hot waters in the private fountains.

"Did you tell his majesty of your fears, my lady?" Neva questioned.

"Of course, I can never hold my tongue for long. Despite him reassuring me, I cannot help but feel that a big storm is brewing. I feel that something else is going to happen. It's the second time this year that someone has made an attempt on his life, yet he still sits and does nothing, it troubles me so, my dear ladies. I wish he would value his life more, he is so carefree always." I whispered.

"I'm sure it's nothing, Ife" Badra replied as she washed my hair, "Surely the Gods will continue to watch over his majesty and protect him, as they have done for many, many years."

"I hope that you are right, Badra. For I trust not of his eldest daughters, they always seem to be planning something by the hands of Set himself. If something were to happen to his majesty, I have no doubt in my mind that they would seize the throne themselves...and then they would be free to do to me whatever they wished. My brother, although he is the High Priest, has no authority over the ruler of Egypt, and would be able to save me not."

"Be at peace, my dear Ife. Know that Isis and Horus watch over you, always. Nothing will happen to our Pharaoh and nothing will happen to you." Neva whispered.

I gave a weak smile in thanks.

"I truly have the best maids a noble could ask for." I said.

Little did I know how quickly and drastically life would change in a few short months after my conversation with the Pharaoh.

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