I Didn't Get to Tell Her How I Feel

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          ~Shealeigh's Point of Vew~

 We started our game of Truth or Dare, and since it was Vinny's idea he got to go first.

"Mikey," Vinny grinned, "Truth. Or. Dare."

"Dare," Mikey said rolling his eyes playfully.

"I dare you to kiss Adriana," He smirked. 

I grinned at Adriana while she sat there in shock, but soon they ended up leaning in.

"Get some!!" Me and Louis yelled at the same time then highfiving each other for our actions.

I crawled to where Nick was and layed my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. I yawned while checking the time 2:00 A.M. These people are crazy.

"You okay boo?" Nick asked looking down at me.

Me and Nick have this kind of relationship like we are brother and sister. Idk why. He is just very protective over me. Anyways, they stopped kissing. Finallly. I mean it seemed as if they were sucking eachothers faces off.... JUST KIDDING. But it was very disturbing. -.- Haha.

"Okay, ummmmm...." Mikey started, " Shealeigh, Truth or Dare." 

"Dare," I said glaring at him.

This kid has a mind of his own. Who knows what he is going to ask.

"I dare you to go out side onto the sidewalk and start dancing like a crazy person," He said.

"Mikey, It's 2 in the morning," I said.

"Yeah bro, I don't think she should be going out in the dark this late at night." He said holing onto me tighter.

"Do the dare or face the consequences." He said.

"Ehhh, What the heck a dare is a dare right?" I said while slipping on my Jordans then snuck outside. 

They opened my window that was in my room and looked out it. 

"Play some music, Mikey," I said.

  He then took his IPhone out and started playing "I'm Sexy and I Know It" By: LMFAO I smiled and gave them a thumbs up. I started shuffling. That was until I heard a noise. I stopped and looked around, but saw nothing. I strugged it off. I started doing the disco until I heard running. I looked to my rigth and saw a dark figure coming at me.

"Nickk...." I whispered afraidly but then realised he couldn't hear me. 

"NICKK!!!" I shrieked as the figure got closer.

   I stood there in shock not knowing what to do, and that's when it got me. It lifted me up and carried away. It threw me over it's shoulders roughly and started running. I looked back at the sidewalk that was behind what was carrying me. Nick was chasing him, but was far behind.

"NICK!!" I screamed, "I LOVE YOU!!" 

Mikey stopped Nick. He stood in front of him while he tried to push past him. He tried pushing past Mikey and Vinny trying to save me, but it was too late... I couldn't see them anymore.... I couldn't see any of them.

And that's when it hit me.... I was gone. A tear slid down my face as i started banging on the guy's back.

"Put me down!" I shouted. 

Then and there he set me down. He kneeled down and looked at me in the eyes. Then, knocked me straight out, and by now, everything got black.

      ~Nick's Point of View~

   She's gonee... My friend..... My sister..... One of the things I cared about most... Is gone...

I tried pushing through Vinny and Mikey, but it wasn't working. That's when I gave up. I turned around. Tears rushed down my face. I stomped back to Shealeigh's house. I entered her house and walked past Katelyn and Adriana who were trying to calm Louis down. I walked straight into her room, locking the door behind me. I shut the window and locked that too. 

I wanted to made sure no one was going to come in here. I sat on her bed shoving my face in my hands. Memories of the past flooded through my mind. I turned to her pillow and reached under it and grabbed an object. I pulled it out.

Her Diary 

I was the only one who she let read it. It was her most precious thing. I opened it up and scanned through a couple pages. I mean I've read most of them already. I slammed the book shut then put it back where it was. I unlocked the door and walked out of the room and straight down stairs. Everyone was in the living room now. I walked in there and sat down on the couch next to Mikey.

"It's all my fault." He whispered to me. 

I looked at him as tears streamed down his face.

"It's not your fault at all." I said to him pulling him a hug, "You didn't know that this was going to happened."

I stood up and looked around the room.

"I didn't even get to tell her how I really feel,"Louis pouted and started crying again.

I sighed.

"So what happends now?" Vinny sobbed.

I looked at him.

" I- I don't know." I said, "But what I do know is that I am going to get her back."

I looked at all of them. Anger filled me. I had a goal. I am to achieve it. Even if it risks my life.......


Soooo....... I know this is a dramatic scene. But HEY!! Shealeigh wanted drama..... I hope you guys liked it even though it was pretty depressing...... I LOVE YOU ALLL!!!!

    Smooches!!!!! :*


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