Hurry We Have Practice !!

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                             ~ Shealeigh's Point Of View ~

So me and Adriana had just gotten home from school. 

" I'll see you in 20 minutes so we can go to practice Okay ?" said Adriana. I nodded as she went to her house and I went to mine. Yeah we live right next to each other. I went up to my room and threw all my stuff on the ground. I laide down on my bed.

" I'll just take a quick nap......" I said while dozing off.

" SHEALEIGH WAKE UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE !!!!" yelled Adriana while pushing me off my bed.

" But I only took a little nap !!!" I yelled while getting off the floor and dusting myself out.

" If you call 3 hours a nap sure !! Now lets go !!!!" yelled Adriana while grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs. I quickly grabbed my dance bag and my skateboard as me and Adriana ranoutside and quickly skated to the ICON building.

" Should we walk through the front door or sneak in through a window ?" I asked Adriana. Even though I already knew the answer.

" WINDOW !!!" She said while we looked around for a window.

" Oh there's one !" said Adriana while running to it.

" Are you sure this is our room we're suppose to be in ?" I asked her.

" Yeah............ I don't know but lets see !" said Adriana while she jumped and suprisingly made it. She jumped in and fell. I know because I heard a big thump.

" Are you okay ?" I asked Adriana while I threw our stuff and jumped and fell in on Adriana.

" Not anymore !" She said while we got up and saw ............

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