Is Another Chance Worth It?

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~Shealeigh's Point of View~

I walked back to my house after my school looking at my feet and dragging them. A tear slid down my face. I miss him. I sat on my front porch thinking about what happened at school today. What did I do wrong? That question kept running through my head. I got up and walked up to my room. I changed out of my school clothes and put on something different. (A/N On da sidee loviess!! :D ) I called up Adriana.

"Heyy gurlie!" She said.

"Do you just want to come over to my house?" I suggested.

"Yeahh that's fine." She said. I smiled.

"Well... Okay gurll!! I see ya in a bit." I said.

"Byee!!'' She said. I hung up.

I put my phone in my back pocket, and I walked downstairs knowing my mom and dad arent home because they went on a trip for a job to Europe and wont be back til' next Monday thru next Thursday. I walked into the kitchen and tried to find smething to eat. I looked through the cabinets. BROWNIES! Lets hope that I dont burn the whole house down. :3 I followed the instructions then popped it into the oven. I smiled. All of a sudden my phone started blaring Cant Hold Us by Macklemore causing me to jump. I answered it not having a clue who it was.

''Ayyee" I said

"Ummm Shealeigh..... I am-" He started

''WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT LOUIS!" I yelled through the phone getting angry. I have no idea why I am so upset. We werent even dating.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry.'' He said sounding a little upset.

"Sorry doesnt cut it. What you did to me really hurt me. You ripped my heart out the shoved down my esophagus. I really liked you.'' I stated.

"I know what I did was wrong, and I know I shouldnt have done it. I am so sorry. I like you a lot. Please please. Just forgive me'' He begged.

''If you liked me you wouldnt have done that.'' I stated.

''What does it take for you to forgive me? What will make you fall in love with me? I need to know. I'll do anything. I just want to make you smile that smile that I miss so much." He said.

"Here's a deal. You have to make me fall head over heels for you. You have to earn your trust and convience me that what I am doing is right. I can't believe I am saying this but. You only have one more chance that's it.'' I said giving in. ''Don't make me regret this.''

"THANK YOU SHEALEIGH!!!!! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!" He said getting excited. I rolled my eyes.

" I gotta go. Bye." I said then hanging up. What did I just do. I shook away my thoughts. I put my phone back into my back pocket and skipped to the oven. I grabbed my gloves and took them out. They smelt delicious. I smiled at my accomplishment. I took the mittens off and got a knife. I cut them into peices. Soon I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it.

"SHEALEIGHH!!" Adriana shrieked. She gave me a hug, and I hugged back.

"So whatcha been up to?" She asked.

"Nothin..... I just made brownies!" I said.

"YAY! FOOD!" She screamed and ran in my kitchen after she dropped her stuff on the ground. I laughed and shut the front door. I grabbed her stuff and set it down in my room. I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen. I sat down by Adriana who was shoving a brownie in her mouth.

"Ummmm........ I kinda need to tell you something." I said.

"Go on." She said then eating another peice of her brownie.

"I gave Louis another chance." I said. She looked at me as her mouth dropped.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked. I looked down at my hands. I bit my bottom lip. This is going to be a long night.......

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