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We spend the next year and a half traveling Africa and Europe. First we trekked, south through Sudan and Tanzania and Botswana, before looping back up through South Africa. Then we went north, through Namibia, Angola, Gabon, Nigeria, Mali, Algeria, and Morocco. Then, after much debate, we crossed the Strait of Gibraltar (not an easy feat, mind you) into Spain. We went north, through France, Germany, and into Denmark, where we caught a boat to Norway. Then we looped around in Sweden and went back south in Finland while I promised Anubis our next stop would be Greece. I wanted Italy but he absolutely refused; something about an Egyptian grudge against Roman fiends. True to my word, we traveled south through Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria until we finally reached the Greek shores.

I check us into the hotel while Anubis takes a bath. He says all that cold was not good for his health, and I think he might be right; he looks shaky as he steps into the elevator.

I thank the desk man and hang my backpack off one shoulder as I step into the elevator. Floor twelve, he said, the very top and facing west. We can watch the sunset, I think, suddenly a bit more excited.

I turned eighteen six months ago in Latvia. Somehow, Anubis convinced the entire village we stayed in to celebrate by throwing me a traditional party, which surprised the shenanigans out of me. The women dressed me in a bright, traditional dress and styled my hair and attempted to put makeup on me. Then we went outside, where Anubis was dressed very dashingly in the bright traditional men's clothes. We ate and danced and laughed, and it was one of the best birthdays of my life.

I called home, and my mom and dad both wished me happy birthday. They both said they loved me.

I open the door to our hotel room and gasp. It's way bigger than I thought it would be, but I won't complain. It's beautiful, but obviously someone thought that Anubis and I are on our honeymoon, because rose petals cover the bed and there is champagne and chocolate everywhere.

I smile. I won't complain about this, either.

"You can come join me if you want," Anubis calls from the bathroom.

I laugh. "No thanks," I call back, stretching out on the blue carpet floor. "I'll wait until you're done." Unfortunately, since this hotel is the first place we've stopped at since Latvia, I pass out almost instantly.


Three days later, freshly clean and nice-smelling, we head out on a boat to Kythira, one of the Greek islands and supposedly one of the most romantic. Anubis checks into the hotel and promptly presents me with a shiny dress, then tells me to stay in the room while he "does some stuff real quick."

I am suspicious. What is he planning?

Anubis told me to try my dress on, so I slip the iridescent red fabric over my head and watch it settle over my curves. I study my reflection for a moment before deciding what tonight will be: date night.

I take a picture and send it to Carina; "Date night in Greece. What should I do?"

She responds instantly; "LET ME COME OVER!!!"

"You're not crashing date night," I text her sternly, then drag a stool in front of the large vanity in front of the window. I am holding my hair brush when my cell phone buzzes again.

"For old time's sake?"

I admit it; I melt. "Fine."

"Thank you so much, Lana!" Carina screeches. She tackles me from the side and almost shoves me to the carpet.

"You're welcome," I say with a smile.

"She didn't come alone," a male voice says.

I look up. "Milo!" I cry, pushing Carina off me to jump-hug the music god. "It's so good to see you," I whisper.

The Love Game (Gods of the Universe: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now