Part 2!

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Pfft, no views on the first part? Who cares? I'm already going on part 2!
Also, I'll be using they/them for pronouns in this story! I do this because this is a gender neutral story, so you can put he/her/they/etc in place of that if needed.
"So, what should we do, anyway?" You asked, scratching the back of your head and looking at Sans. You realized that you actually weren't much taller than him... You always were kind of short.
"dunno." He shrugged. "kinda hoped you'd have something in mind, y'know? there isn't much to do around here."
"Well, uh, maybe we should check on Papyrus and Undyne before we do anything...?" You recommended. "I mean, based on what happened to Undyne's house last time she cooked-" You coughed hoarsely, remembering that it was partially your fault her house was now forever burning. "-we should see if there's any problems? I don't want you to lose your house, too."
"that's a good plan, pal. i agree. let's go. it's literally a few yards away, anyway." Sans shrugged as the two of you walked over.
Needless to say, they hadn't burned the house down(a good thing). But both of them were covered in the remains of tomatoes and other vegetables.
"BROTHER! Y/N! TASTE MY BEAUTIFUL SPAGETTI!" Papyrus exclaimed loudly, holding out a plate of probably-not-edible pasta.
Based on previous experiences with Papyrus's cooking, you were reluctant to take the plate. "Uh, well, I-"
Based on previous experiences with Undyne's cooking, you were definitely not going to eat it now. "T-Thanks Papyrus, but, I, ah, I just ate. But it looks... More edible than ever!" You tried really hard to compliment him.
"BUT Y/N! THIS PASTA IS GOOD FOR YOUR BONES! YOU MUST TRY IT!" Papyrus was moving the plate closer to your face.
"hey, bro, they're good. them and i went to grillby's." Sans could read your feelings about the pasta. "i bet it's great."
Papyrus finally gave up and put the pasta in a container, then in the fridge with all the other containers of pasta that were in there. "ALRIGHT! WHEN YOU'RE BACK ON AN EMPTY STOMACH, COME BACK TO ME AND I'LL HAVE THAT PASTA READY, HUMAN!"
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Sans," you whispered. You really did not want that pasta.
"anytime, man. but i still think you should try it sometime. his cooking skills are getting better, i promise." He whispered back.
You sighed and collapsed onto the couch. "Hey, uh, Sans, maybe we could hang here for a while...?" You suggested. He was quickly on the couch next to you.
"yeah, yeah. isn't this, like, what the definition of hanging out is, anyway? chillin' out on a couch with someone." Sans said as he turned on the TV. Mettaton was on.
"Huh, I guess so." You looked at the screen. "So, I guess Mettaton's just gonna stay in his new form, huh?" You motioned to the screen.
"maybe now people have a reason to swoon over him and all that." Sans laughed.
"Yeah, I guess... Not really my type of guy, though..." You sighed. "...I've put a special liking to, uh, someone else..." You said it quieter, hoping Sans didn't hear it. You didn't mean to say it.
"huh. and who is it? you can tell me. aren't i trustworthy?" Sans moved closer to you, waiting for you to answer.
After he moved closer, your cheeks were dusted a light pink. Uh oh. You couldn't tell him. "I-I'm not telling you...! You've said before that you don't make promises, so theres no telling that you won't tell everyone!" You said quickly.
"eh, i guess that's true. whatever, i won't bug ya." Sans still moved a little close to you, not moving back. Your face got a little hot but you tried to hide it by looking at the screen. You felt like he saw right through you.
"...Can you understand what this show is about?" You commented on Mettaton's TV show, trying to change the topic. Sans clearly noticed, but he didn't do anything.
"eh, i don't really know. or care, honestly. this is the stuff papyrus watches. he's like, mettaton's number one fan." He explained as he turned the TV off. You were surprised at why he'd done it at first, but you realized he wasn't interested in the show quickly after.
"What do we do now?" You asked. "There's nothing on TV..." You yawned. Was it getting late already...? You heard Sans say something, but you were drifting out of consciousness quickly. You were really tired. You guessed you had eaten dinner, and it'd been at least thirty minutes since then... Your eyelids lowered, and you quickly fell asleep.

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