Part 8!

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Before I start writing, I'd like to thank everyone for reading! This has gotten to 1k reads now and I'm so happy because I never even began to imagine something that I originally created as a pastime to even get up to 100...So thank you so much! I love you all
('ε )
You awoke in the middle of what could be considered 'night' in the underground. It was dark in your house, with all the lights off. You were still lying against Sans, who was fast asleep. Yawning, you tried to fall back asleep, but with no prevail.
With nothing else to do, you stood up from your comfortable position, walking through the darkness towards the kitchen. A little snack could sure help you go bak to sleep, right? You somehow made your way to the kitchen. Knowing Sans wouldn't be able to see the light from the kitchen, you decided it was safe to flip the switch. The bright light stung your eyes as it flooded the room. You opened up the fridge and cold air surrounded you.
Peering inside, you saw the Starfait. You weren't going to eat it, but there was still something you had to do.
You took the note from Mettaton off of it, crumpling it up in your hand and throwing it away.
Wouldn't need that anymore.
You eyed the cinnamon bun. It looked so good...You couldn't help yourself and you took it. It was cold, so after taking it out of the fridge and closing the fridge, you put it in the microwave. Right before it hit zero, you stopped the microwave. You didn't want to wake Sans up...
You opened the microwave and the smell of cinnamon filled the warm air. You were so ready to eat it. You took the snack out of the microwave and took a bite out of it. It really hit the spot...
After you were done, you wiped your face. The kitchen door closed silently as you left and turned off the light. You carefully repositioned yourself against Sans and began to fall back asleep...
You awoke in a field filled with flowers of all colors. The smell of spring filled the air. It was unlike anyplace in the underground, so it struck you as odd. You sat upright from your previously lying down position. You looked around-the colorful flowers stretched for miles.
But something was out of place-something that wasn't a flower...No, it seemed to be Sans-he was doing something with a patch of the flowers. You walked towards him.
"Sans...What're you doing?" You asked as you walked up. You realized that you were now wearing summarwear-a dramatic change from your usual sweater with knee shorts.
"i'm gathering some of these flowers." He answered your question, but he didn't make eye contact with you.
"What for?" You asked. The flowers he was picking were different from the other colors of flowers in the field. The small patch was very out of place color wise.
"for someone specialllllllllllllllll..." You heard his voice ringing in your ears, the L echoing throughout the area. That was weird...
"And who's that?" You tilted your head. Sans hadn't looked at you ever since you woke up here, and you thought it was kind of off-putting.
He stood up and held the flowers in front of him, smiling at you. "it's you, of course!"
You woke up...but you woke up for real this time. No unfamiliar places-just your house. You quickly recalled your dream and had been a very pleasant dream...
You looked up. You saw Sans-he was awake, too. "'mornin, Y/N," he greeted.
You gave him a smile. "Good morning, Sans..." You said, yawning. "Did you sleep okay...?"
"yeah, i did," he responded. "did you?"
"Yeah, I slept alright. Besides waking up in the middle of the night and getting a little snack, everything was fine...." You yawned again. It was obvious that it'd be a slow morning-you could barely keep your eyes open for longer than thirty seconds.
"oh, yeah, i noticed you wake up. if it was just that you were getting a snack, then i didn't have anything to worry about..." He sighed and laughed at himself a little.
"You were awake when that happened...?" You frowned a little. You could've sworn you did as much as you could to make sure he didn't wake up. "And why were you worried about it...?" You wondered.
"oh, yeah...i guess you didn't notice i was awake. and i don't really know why i was worried..." He shrugged.
You shifted yourself so your back was on his lap, since he was sitting up. "Anyway, are you ready for the day...?" You asked, looking straight at him with a soft smile.
"yeah," he returned your smile. "are you...?"
"You bet I am..." You said softly. "I love you..." You whispered.
"i love you too..." Sans answered quietly.
And so, the two of you were ready to get on with your day...Would people find out about you and Sans being together? There were so many possibilities for the day...
I'm so sorry for not putting this out last night! Σ(・・;)I didn't have ANY time and when I got the chance to write I was half asleep, and I fell completely asleep afterwards! I'm not sure if I'll be able to get an update out today-but I'll try! Thank you all again for 1k reads, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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