Part 5!

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Oh man this was the best picture I could get oops (~_~;) Anyway! Here we are at part 5...I hope you guys are ready!
You and Sans were now outside and walking around in Snowdin together.
"I have an idea!" You exclaimed. "We should go to Hotland-to my house! I mean, we've always been at your house, so..." You quickly lowered your voice after realizing that you had started out speaking really loud.
"that's a cool idea, considering how hot it is there. i have a hot dog stand there, so maybe we could stop by there on our way to your place." Sans nodded in agreement.
"Let's go and have the riverperson bring us to Hotland. I don't know if I want to walk all the way there." You explained, and so the two of you went to the riverperson and they brought you to Hotland.
"So now that we're here-can we go to my house first? I haven't been there in a while," you explained.
"sure," Sans nodded and patted you on the shoulder. "anything for you. besides, you were the one who thought of the idea, so you should be the one calling the shots."
You sighed. It was pretty hot here. You were used to it for the most part, though. You just wanted to get home. "Okay, come with me. I live by MTT resort." After you said it, you remembered that Mettaton might show up again to try and ruin everything, but you shrugged and decided it was alright.
"i've been to your house before. i know where you live."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot. Right."
You went into the L1 elevator, and pressed R3 once you were both inside.
It was a pretty much quiet ride. The reason why, you guessed, was because you were still awkward from the whole thing with Mettaton earlier. The elevator's sounds were amplified by the silence.
"So, when I woke up this morning, there was something on my head, I think." The silence was shattered by your dialogue.
"oh?" Sans responded to you.
"It was kind of cold...And it was moving in a really kind of specific pattern...I don't know..." You explained. The reason for you bringing this up was because you were interested in whether or not Sans had been patting your hair earlier.
"huh, that's odd."
"Yeah, it was. It was also really weird, because after I said one thing, it like, jumped off me or something," You tried to explain the best you could. "I think you might've been awake before me, so do you know anything about what it was?"
"lemme think...uh, i don't think so. yeah, i don't remember anything like that..." Sans sighed. "sorry bud. it might've been a bug or something, i really don't know."
The elevator beeped, and the door opened.
"Huh...Alright. Thanks for your help, though." You smiled at him and walked out of the elevator, guiding the way to your house, despite Sans probably already knowing the way. You passed by the resort and frowned. God, Mettaton really got on your nerves. Why did you have to live so close to his hotel, anyway?
Once you made it to your house, you unlocked the door and went inside. It was pretty small, but it was alright, since only one person lived there. "Hey, uh, make yourself at home, alright?" You smiled at Sans and he quickly sat on your couch, which could fit three people despite only one person living there. You sighed. "I, uh, I'll be back in a second. You walked into the other room in the house that you used as a kitchen(you didn't have a bedroom because you usually slept on the couch). You were super hungry. You opened the fridge. Inside was a few bottles of water, a loaf of bread, shredded cheese, a bar of chocolate, an apple, ham, butter, milk, and a few eggs. You added the cinnamon bun you had gotten at Snowdin the day before and noticed something that wasn't usually in the fridge-a Starfait from MTT resort? That was weird-you didn't normally have the money for one of those, and you didn't remember buying one. You saw that there was a note attached. It read:
Hello~ I did not believe I would be able to talk to you one-on-one, so I am writing this to you and I hope you will see it. Now, after our encounter this morning, I easily noticed that you have put quite the liking to Sans, have you not? Now, I am not going to tell him about this-do you really think I'm the kind of robot to do something like that to a friend? I must say though, you and Sans would be a very cute pairing! But, if you would ever like any help confessing your love, you  should know that I'm available if you need me~ Now go out there and be yourself! It's the best you can be, you know!
- Mettaton
You smiled. Mettaton could be really kind, but you know, he usually wasn't. Then you started thinking. How did he get into your house in the first place? He couldn't have even been there unless he was there mere minutes before you showed up. Couldn't he have just slipped you a note or something instead of sneaking into your house?
Nonetheless, he had given you something to eat. You weren't usually having Starfaits and you were glad that you got it.
Sighing, you just took the chocolate bar and walked into the other room. Sans had turned the TV on. "Sorry for taking so long," you sighed and sat down next to him. There was a cooking show on. "I, uh, had to choose what to eat." It was a blatant lie, but you weren't about to tell the truth.
"no worries," He reassured. As you sat down next to him, he seemed to move closer towards you.
The two of you watched TV peacefully...Of course, until the screen flashed and the speakers blared "BREAKING NEWS!"
This didn't look good.
Mettaton was the reporter.
Why this.
All you saw was a picture of you with Sans and you stood up and left the room. You were having none of that. That slick bastard. You swore the next time you saw him you were going to kick his robot a-
"hey, uh, you know, mettaton's just trying to get us all worked up, right?" Sans walked into the kitchen-where you had ran off to. You heard the TV still playing the news report through through the now open door. "Are Sans and Y/N secretly in a relationship?" You covered your ears.
"Please turn off the TV. I can't handle his stupid voice. Why won't he leave us alone? It's not even like that..." You were finding it funny that you were saying that-deep down, you wished Mettaton wasn't lying. You backed up into the fridge then slowly slid into a seated position.
You heard the TV click off as Sans left the room. When he didn't come back inside, you walked out to see him on the couch again. You sat down next to him and sighed. "I'm going to kick that robot's stupid little shiny-" You dropped the sentence when Sans suddenly hugged you. "Huh? What's this?"
Sans didn't respond-he only held you in a hug. You hugged back-it was a really comfortable hug that you didn't want to end. But that dream wouldn't come true-someone knocked on the door to your house.
Yay I'm done! This took longer to write than it should have omg... σ(^_^;)
Who's at the door? Is it Mettaton again? You sure hope not! Until the next part....

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