Part 7!

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Aah I'm so excited to write this! I hope you guys are as ready as I am, but maybe you're ready to read... (=ω)
"Huh...? You, what?" Your words were slipping up. You couldn't believe your ears. Were they lying to you? Was what you just heard actually true? You were sweating from nervousness. When you noticed that Sans was still holding your hand, you realized-your ears hadn't been fooling you. He had actually said what he said.
You looked at Sans. He seemed to be blushing, but it Did skeletons blush blue? You weren't sure.  You weren't a skeleton, so you'd never know for sure.
"i...i think i love you, is what i'm saying." Sans was looking into your eyes, never taking a glance away. "i've thought so ever since the first night you stayed at my place...i don't know why, just something about you, it just made me realize how great you were, and that i really wanted to be even more than friends, and..." He sighed. "well, i know that i claimed i had nothing to say when you woke up earlier, but to be honest, i did." He continued, tightening his grip on your hand if ever so slightly.
"I-I could kind of, uh, tell," you shrugged, remembering that you could see through his lie.
"well, what i was going to say was that...that i actually really liked that you had fallen asleep on me. it was kind of cute," he shrugged. "and then i, uh, woke up before you did, and i couldn't help myself. your hair looked so soft, and i just...sorry about that, i know it's really weird..." Despite everything he was saying, he never once broke the gaze between the two of you.
"I...I..." You were at a loss for words. Had that...really happened? You didn't believe it. Sans had liked you back this whole time(Well, at least for two days)? But he always acted so composed around you, while you were always acting the exact opposite of that. "I mean, it'd be a lie if I told you I d-didn't fall in love with you the moment we became friends..." You admitted. "I've been doing a terrible job of hiding it, though," you admitted. You could feel your face on fire. It was mind-boggling to even begin to think that this was actually happening and that it wasn't just a dream.
"does that mean...that you return my feelings...?" Sans asked you, his grip on your hand tightening again.
You were shaking now. This was unreal. You could still barely believe nodded in response to Sans' question. Suddenly, without warning, he brought you into a tight, and surprisingly warm hug. You felt his hand running through your hair once again...
"i'm so glad that you feel the same, Y/N..." He said quietly. You smiled. This was what you had imagined, this was what you had wanted from the had wanted him to return your love...
"M-Me too, Sans..." You whispered. You were happy that things were the way you wanted them to be, now, but you knew you couldn't tell anyone about it. You hoped he realized, too... "What're we gonna do if, uh, Mettaton finds out about this...?"
"nothing. who cares if he knows? if he finds out it's true, who cares? it's not like he'll be spreading lies anymore," Sans explained as you both left the embrace. As you did, you felt a little empty-you felt like something was missing when he wasn't there.
"I guess that makes'd be kind of dumb of us to hide it, wouldn't it? People are gonna find out eventually, ha..." You laughed, and held Sans' hand. You noticed that you weren't blushing as much as you had been before. "You mentioned earlier that you had a hotdog stand here in Hotland...Do you still want to go there...?"
"...yeah, let's go ahead. it'd be fun to make some hotdogs with you..." Sans nodded.
The two of you went to the stand and made some hotdogs. A few people came by and got some hotdogs, and a few monsters who seemed to have watched Mettaton's report earlier in the day commented on how you and Sans were together. Neither of you seemed to notice how much time had passed until you went back to your house.
You walked inside of your house and collapsed onto the couch. Sans sat down next to you.
"What a long day...I'm really tired," you yawned. "You can go home..." You explained. Your eyelids felt heavy.
"nah, i'm staying with ya for tonight. i don't want to leave you alone." He smiled at you, and you smiled back.
"I love you," you whispered to him as you leaned onto him, closing your eyes.
"love you too," You heard him say. You felt his hand in your hair as you slowly drifted from conciousness...
Yay, I've finished this part! I'm so happy! I've been waiting so long to get here omg ^^See everyone in the next part!

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