Part 6!

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I wasn't able to find any pictures for this chapter σ(^_^;) I'm really glad people are liking this story! I've been working really hard on it!
You stood up to get the door. Please don't be Mettaton, please don't be Mettaton, you thought to yourself as you put your hand on the knob. You turned it, opening the door, crossing your fingers that it wasn't him. You breathed a sigh of relief-it was Alphys.
"H-Hey, Y/N!" She said, looking inside. She glanced behind you at Sans. "Hey, Sans!" She greeted.
"Hey! What's going on?" You asked, motioning for her to come inside.
"I, uh, wanted to apologize." Alphys sighed and looked at the floor, scratching at the back of her neck. "For...Mettaton. I know he hasn't been giving you guys a break...I can't believe he'd do this." She looked really irritated. "And put it on TV? I'm going to need to have a talk with him...That nerve of his..."
"...Oh, uh, it's really okay. It's not terrible, it's just, uh, kind of annoying? I don't know. I'm kinda upset," You shrugged. You were probably madder at Mettaton than anyone at the moment, but you didn't want to show it, especially because you didn't want to go into why you were mad, so you tried as hard as you could to play it cool.
"Hmm...Well, if you're sure...I'm still really sorry." She sighed. "You guys just try and lay low. I wouldn't want to be caught by Mettaton again if I were you..." She informed. "Well, I'll g-go have a talk with him. Stay out of trouble..." She explained before leaving your house and closing the door.
You sighed and sat back down on the couch. You didn't notice, but your palms were sweating-probably because you were nervous about your anger with Mettaton showing.
"are you really sure you're okay with all of this? i mean, you still seemed pretty mad before alphys showed up," Sans pointed out as you took your seat next to him. You turned the TV back on-the report was over, and the cooking show was back on.
"Yeah, it's fine. He's just a stupid robot anyway, I don't want to concern myself with him." You frowned and wiped your palms on your pants. "It's not like he's telling the truth, anyway...I mean, would anyone believe that?" You laughed. "Y-You, with me?" You stopped talking and sighed. Was it really like that, though? You couldn't believe how much you regretted saying it.
", i think it's pretty believable." Sans stated simply.
You blushed a little before quickly turning to face him. "H-Huh? do?" What he had said was quite shocking. It was something you weren't expecting, and you weren't sure what he meant. Did he like you as more than a friend, or were you just imagining things?
"i mean," he shrugged. "we are always hanging out, y'know? and i've overheard a handful of people talking about how cute we could be and stuff, i think." He explains. "besides, i..." He trailed off at the end of his sentence. "nevermind."
"W-Wait, you heard people saying that? A-And you didn't tell me?" You were trying hard not to blush. You started to sweat a little, wiping your hands on your pants again. "What were you gonna say?" You asked, curiously. Anyone would've wanted to know what he was going to say.
"uh, nothing." He sighed, slightly moving closer to you. "anyway, people might believe mettaton's theory, but it's still fantasy." Sans sighed and looked away for a moment. "but, you know, it doesn't have to be fantasy forever. and i don't want it to be..."
You couldn't hide it anymore. Your face was red like a cherry. "Hey, uh, what do you mean by...that...?" You were shaking, now. You didn't believe it. Was this really happening? Was this just a crazy dream?
Sans took one of your hands into his own and wrapped his other arm around you. The two of you were nearly face-to-face, and you both looked deep into each other's eyes.
"it means that i...well, i guess it means i've really fallen for you, Y/N."
Cliffhanger lol ψ(`∇')ψ I'm sorry this took so long to get out! I had meant to put it out earlier, but I've had a pretty busy day today. I know this is a shorter chapter, but I didn't want to make it too long! I hope you're ready for the next chapter~

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