Drastic Measures

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I had yet to figure out what I did wrong. We drove in silence, the radio as background music. Oriana looked straight ahead and every now and then she would tell me what turn to make. Even though I already knew where she lived I decided to let her tell me anyway, just glad to hear her voice. After a while I pulled up to a very large house, parking my car in the double drive way and cutting the engine.

“We’re here” I sighed as I unbuckled the seatbelt. No answer. Looking over to the passenger side, she was asleep, her head leaning against the window. Smiling I got out of the driver side and walked around to the passenger side, gently opening the door and lifting Oriana out.

“Warm” She mumbled as she wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled her nose in the crook of my neck.

“You don’t know what you do to me.” I mumbled walking to the front door. Knocking four times and waiting a few seconds, the door opened revealing an older man with light gray hair and slightly balding at the top.

“Oh dear, is Miss. Oriana alright?” He asked looking slightly worried as he looked around behind me.

“Yes, she’s is safe.” I answered, ending the man’s worry.

“And what is your name sir?” He asked me finally realizing he never asked.

“My name is Azrael Daemon, I’ll be staying here, would you mind getting my bags, while I take Oriana, up to her room?” I said more as a statement as I walked to the familiar room I’ve seen over the years.

“No problem, sir.” The butler answered as he rushed out to the car.

I stood for a moment closing my eyes trying to sense which way her room was. Finding the scent I took off quickly toward her room.

Azrael, That human’s life span is quickly coming to an end, Don’t get too attached to her.’

‘After all she is just a soul that her mother has asked you to guide to the land of the dead.’Azrael heard two voices, one after the other, in his head say.

You and I all know that she doesn’t deserve this kind of life, the least I can do is show her that, she can be happy even though her father is a complete ass and treats her like shit.’ I retorted to them as I hiked Oriana up higher on my arms so I could turn the knob on her door.

I looked around her room and found that I liked it a lot. Her bedroom set was a gray blue marble with silver linings. As I walked further in I looked straight ahead to see her large bed, which came to my liking the most. The headboard was a rounded mirror. Silver lined the edge of the glass and where the headboard connected to the bed, the was a small area where you could rest things, it was as if her bed was also a vanity. The nightstands were also gray blue marble with silver linings. Each stand had a black glass lamp with a white lamp shade, with a doily underneath it. Laying her down on the bed I pulled back her light purple cover, pulled off her heels and covered her. I looked around the room becoming very interested in it.

The vanity had a large mirror that reflected the bed across from it. Multiple bottles of perfume, lotion and hair products decorated the vanity table along with multiple kinds or sunshades, headbands, and small figurines. There were two other doors in her room on the left side, I took an estimated guess and decided one was he closet and the other was her bathroom. She had a small shelf filled with books, a desktop computer and a guitar sat in the corner next to the shelf. I smiled, she was a very interesting person. Normally people around her age stopped putting posters and pictures on their walls but she still had them. Posters and drawings decorated her multicolored wall.

“Mr. Daemon, There is a room next door to Ms. Miller that is free, I have set you belongings in there.” The butler knocked as he stood in the entrance of the room.

“Alright, thank you, I guess I should leave her to get her rest.” I sighed as I ran a tired hand through my deep brown hair and walked out of her room closing the door after turning out the lights.

My room looked like a hotel room, but more cozy, white sheets, cream bed set, and white curtains. I laid on the bed, closed my eyes and thought of the beautiful woman in the room next door. It was quick but I realized I was falling for her, she made me laugh and she had a kind heart even though she was highly sarcastic.

“Hello love bird.” I heard two voices say in unison. I groaned sitting up straight and rubbing my hands tiredly over my face.

“How’d you find me, I thought I got rid of you two.” I raised an eyebrow and my two friends, and fellow reapers.

“You can never get rid of us!” Alex smirked wiggling his eyebrows at me.

“By the way, I checked out that chick, and I’ve got to say, her boobs look like heavenly pillows, so big and fluffy” Axel trailed off biting his lip. I shook my head and opened my mouth to speak but he jumped as another though came to him.

“Oh and did you see her ass!?” He exclaimed as if he won the lottery “can someone say more cushion for the pushin?” I was getting irritated.

“More cushion for the pushin!” Alex repeated and high-fived Axel. They were so different yet so alike. They both stood six feet two inches. Axels’ buff muscles pushed against his black marina top, not really hiding anything. His current hairstyle a fade Mohawk with a design on both sides of his head. He wore his classic black and blue antichrist pants with a studded belt and blue combat boots. Alex on the other hand wore his hair in a fohawk. His black T-shirt that said ‘bite me’ in red was large enough not to cling to his abs but you knew they were there, He also wore red skinny jeans and red combat boots.

“Okay, now why are you really here?” I asked rolling my eyes.

“Listen we just came to let you know that her death is coming sooner than we expected.” Alex mumbled.

“What!?” I nearly yelled but caught myself.

“Well, you know how her father has been beating her harder every time, over the past weeks, and we found that her life expectancy has decreased.” Axel explained.

“So you need to make your choice on how soon your gonna cross her over, because she doesn’t have very long.” I growled, I’m sure my eye color changed. “She’s not gonna die this week or the next not that soon but its near.” Alex quickly added as he noticed my growing rage.

“Fine, leave, I’ll have to take drastic measures, I cant let this go on.” I huffed.

“Your not gonna do that one thing that you know you shouldn’t do are you?” Axel asked looking straight into my eyes. I stared back.

“Damn it, Azrael, you know damn well that you cant use that, it would mean-”

“Don’t you think I already know!” I hissed at Axel.

“Don’t do this to us man, we need you.” Alex grabbed my shoulder.

“Why don’t the both of you try thinking of someone other than yourselves for a change.” I sneered slapping his hand off my shoulder.

“Leave, I need to think.” I sighed as I stood up and walked to the door.

“Fine, but you can’t really protect her if your not around, now can you?” They said in unison before evaporating into thin air.


Okay so I wrote this today inbetween washing my hair lolz, I was on a roll and just had to coninue, and what do you  know your in for a surprise! I wrote a really long chapter so I decided to cut it in two, so the next chapter will be up after this. :) hope you enjoy

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