Any Regrets?

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The party was wonderful. My mother was happily married to a new man who happens to be king of the underworld and I was reunited with my fiance and father of my unborn baby. Life or Death couldn't get any sweeter. During the party I met my new aunts, uncles, grandparents, brothers, sister, and cousins as well as the subjects of the underworld, I was officially known now as the Princess of the underworld, and Azrael as Prince. I was currently dancing with my fiance when King Hades, my step Father had the whole room silenced so he could make announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like invite you all to my second daughter's wedding, in the day after tomorrow, This marriage ceremony will be mixed with our ways and the ways on earth. Our realms will be joined together and become the starting of a new era for our people." His voice boomed. Everyone cheered and clapped, while Azreal and I kissed and admired the swell of my belly which held the beginning of a new generation.


Wednesday morning. Six months after Oriana 'died'. The company was falling in pieces. Since Oriana was the one to pick up after every failure and was also the reason for so many deals the company had everyone thought they were doing a great job. Especially Thomas, who sat in his office trying to gain another partner.

"But Jack, this would benefit the both of us, and everything has been spiraling down since my damn daughter up and died, now this place may have to close down in a few years." Thomas pleaded. 

"that's just it

"Honestly Thomas, Everyone in the business hates you, they only ever became your partner for the simple fact that you daughter was the one requesting it, and before her it was her mother. Something changed in you and we don't want to go down with you." Jack sighed over the phone.

"Look weather you like me or not shouldn't matter, it's the matter of how good my business is and how much you need it!" Thomas raged, banging his large fist on the desk, causing the items abroad to shake.

"Yea, and without your daughter your business is shit!" Jack said loud and clear, then hung up.

"I can't believe this!" Thomas shouted in frustration knocking the papers and pictures off his desk.

"Daddy, is everything alright?" Tamara asked rushing into her stepfather's office.

"No, because of that bitch's disappearing act, my company is slowly going to shit." He seethed.


"Honey, I've been thinking and, " I paused wondering if he would be upset with me.

"And what my love?" He asked rubbing my stomach. The ball was over a couple hours ago and now we sat in bed cuddled together with his head laying on my breast and his right hand rubbing the bottom of my stomach.

"I love it down here, in our new home and I love finding my mother again and seeing her happy, seeing us happy, but I miss earth, is it possible for us to have a home there as well as here?" I asked moving his hair back from his forehead.

"Sure, I was thinking the same thing, and I wanted our first child to be born there, you know so that he or she will be known there as well if they choose to live there." Azrael explained looking up at me. I kissed his lips.

"Wonderful, but, how will we get money and such to get house for us, I don't want to mooch off my mom and new dad." I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged at it.

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