Chapter 1

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I saw him come towards me, my heart began to pound. I couldn’t feel my body, terror had completely taken over me. I pushed myself to run faster, and faster. My legs throbbed and ached, but I pushed myself to run faster. I felt the leaves crunch beneath my pounding feet.
“Katherine! ‘It’s me, Victor.”
I stopped running and bent over breathing heavily, I tried catching my breath.
“Jesus Victor! ‘You scared me half to death!”
Victor was a shy, quiet boy I had in my AP Biology class. Victor was tall, pale, and very scrawny. He had dark black hair and piercing blue eyes. Something about him was dark and mysterious, it often gave me the chills.
“Sorry, I just wanted to know, if maybe you need a ride home?”
“Yeah actually I do, thanks Victor.”
“No problem.”
As we walked to his car I noticed how cold it was. I began to shiver and shake.
“Here, take my jacket.”
He wrapped his jacket around me and led me to the passenger door. He opened the door for me, and went to the driver’s side.
“What’s your address?”
“It’s 1322 North, Ravenswood Road.”
We drove down Rose Lane, a man in all black was walking down the sidewalk. Suddenly the car came to a jerking stop.
“Get out.”
“What? ‘Why?”
“Just go, I um, I just remembered I have to go to the library.”
“Um why did you offer me a ride then?”
“I don’t know, just get out Katherine.”
I got out of the car and started walking. Suddenly Victor’s car sped away past me, causing my hair to flutter around crazily.
“What is he up to?”
After thirty minutes of walking in the cold rain, I finally made it home. I fumbled through my bag to find my keys. After twisting and turning the key in the lock, the door swung open.
“Mom! ‘Are you home?”
There was no response. It was only me and my mother. My father died a year ago, and the pain is still there. My mom’s rarely home, so not being home on a Saturday didn’t shock me. She is a forensic anthropologist, so she gets called into work for murder cases a lot. I turned the TV on, and was shocked at what the news reporter was saying.
“A student from Salem Hills High School has been murdered.”
“The student murdered was Jennifer Adams.” The female news reporter said with sorrow.
“Are there any leads on who the killer is Jane?”
“No Tom, we have no leads at this time, but the police are questioning students, family, and friends.”
“If you have any information please call the local Salem Hills police department.”
The news had completely stunned me, I’ve known Jennifer since we were little. We weren’t close but we pretty much grew up together. Just then, my mom walked through the door.
“Hey sweetie, how was your run?”
“It was weird. ‘Hey mom?”
“Yes sweetie?”
“Did you know Jennifer was murdered today?”
“Yes sweetie, I’m the one doing the inspecting her remains.”
“How do you know she was murdered? ‘I mean, she was at a party she could have tripped or something.”
“Sweetie, she was drowned, there were signs of a struggle.”
“Her time of death was midnight.”
“Oh, well I have to go to bed, I love you mom.”
“I love you too sweetie.”
It all didn’t make sense Jennifer hated swimming so how did she end up getting drowned in the river? I put my curiosity aside and drifted into a blissful calm sleep. I awoke to the sound of my alarm beeping. I struggled to pull myself out of bed and get dressed. I put on my Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of my beaten up Converse. I grabbed my backpack and rushed out of my house. It was a cold, rainy October day, my bus pulled up and I dreadfully walked towards it.
The doors shut behind me, and I began walking towards the seat my best friend was sitting at.
“Hey Cal.”
“Hey, did you hear about Jennifer?”
“Yeah, I asked my mom about it last night.”
“Well? ‘What did she say?”
“You promise not to tell anyone?”
“Okay, just because I told everyone about the time we were eight and you laughed so hard you peed your pants. ‘Does not mean I will tell everyone about this.”
“Okay, okay, my mom said someone drowned her.”
“That’s impossible, Jennifer hates water.”
“I know, my mom said there were signs of a struggle.”
“Weird, who do you think did it?”
“I don’t know Cal, I don’t want to think about it.”
“Hey, are you and Coraline coming to Reagan’s party Friday?” Cal said with excitement.
“Yeah, of course.”
Cal and I were the complete opposite. I wear band t-shirts and black pants, she wears tribal cardigans and stylish jeans. She’s been my best friend since fourth grade. The bus came to a stop, Cal and I got off the bus and walked towards the place we hated with a passion. School, we both get good grades, but we hate going to school.
“Hey Callie, you’re still ugly!” exclaimed Karina
“And you’re still fat and lonely!” Cal shot back.
“What is her deal with you anyways Cal?”
“She’s mad because Damon left her for me.” Cal exclaimed happily.
“Well that explains that.” I laughed.
We walked past the main office and there were police officers. When we got to the main hall way there was a shrine of Jennifer. Candles were burning and stuffed animals and balloons surrounded the shrine. I noticed her best friend Mackenzie was sobbing next to the shrine. My heart sank and I began to feel sorrow. I began to walk towards Mackenzie.
“Hey Kenzie, are you okay?”
“She didn’t deserve this, she didn’t deserve to die.”
“I know, I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“I have to go give the police my statement.”
“Okay, stay strong Kenzie.”
“I’ll try.” She said between sobs.
I found Cal and told her I was going to my locker. I walked to the upstairs staircase and quickly walked to my locker. I got to my locker and opened it, when suddenly I felt hands go around my eyes making everything black.
“Guess who.”
“Um, let me guess Sasquatch?”
“Oh wow.”
I turned around and kissed Coraline. Her eyes fluttered open and made my heart melt. Coraline and I have been dating for a year now. My biggest fear is her leaving me for someone else, or me finding her cheating on me. Also spiders, but I mean who doesn’t hate those little jerks.
“We’re going to Reagan’s party right Kat?”
“Okay I have to go to class now, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
I kissed her once more then closed my locker, and began walking to my class. I walked past the office and saw Victor talking to the police. I overheard one of the cops talking to the principal.
“Do you think he’s capable of murder Mr. Andrews?”
“I honestly don’t know officer, he’s had a rough life, but that doesn’t make him a killer.”
“We’ll see.”

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