Chapter 9-

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place, I was tied to poles. I looked around trying to get my visions to focus. I finally figured out, that I was being held in a basement. The basement was cold, and looked like it was at least a hundred years old. I also noticed that it was abandoned, which meant my chances of escaping, were very slim. I thought about everything bad that has been happening. I remembered what the killer had told me. They said now no one else could have me.

The killer has to be someone who has loved me or has had feelings for me. It can't be Victor, because he's the one who rejected me. Victor was also with me when Cal was murdered. Coraline may be selfish, and crazy. But I doubt she has the urge to kill people in spite of me. I heard foot-steps creaking upstairs. Anxiety began to flood through my body. I forced my brain to shut it off. I heard someone coming down the stairs that led to the basement. My body automatically went into survival mode. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

The killer walked towards me, and I felt them get closer, and closer. My body began to tremble, and I couldn't feel my legs.

"Get up!"

My eyes shot open and I tried to stand up as quickly as possible, my legs gave out and I fell. I grabbed the pole, and pulled myself onto my feet. The killer grabbed my arm and untied me. I wanted to run, but I noticed the killer had a knife in their hand. The killer was wearing all black clothing and had a mask, and gloves on.

"Let me go, please I'm begging you!"

"What's the fun in that?"

I began to sob, I could feel my heart beating faster, and faster. I felt like I was going to throw up.

The killer grabbed me and dragged me up the stairs. I tried to get my legs to function right, but it was no use. The killer stopped at the top of the stairs, they pulled out a blindfold. They grabbed the blind fold and tied it around my eyes. The killer dragged me through the house. I had no idea where I was or how I was going to escape. I heard a door open, and then realized we were going outside. I felt leaves crunching beneath my feet, the air was moist, and chilling.

We walked for what seemed like forever. Finally, we stopped walking and the killer removed my blindfold. I looked around, we were at the rock where Victor took me.

"Oh god, please no."

The killer grabbed me and tied my arms together. I knew she was going to hurt Victor in front of me. That was my biggest fear, I began to feel hopeless. I heard footsteps approaching us, and turned my head and saw him. It was Victor, my heart dropped and I began to cry.

"Victor, run!"

But I was too late, the killer already jumped and attacked him. The killer tied Victor's hands and feet together.

"I'm going to grab something, if either of you move, I will kill you."

The killer went back into the woods, and left me and Victor alone.

"Why did you try to kill yourself?"

"You're asking this now?"

"Yes, please tell me, what it because of me?"

"You triggered it, but it wasn't just because of you."

"I didn't want to leave you Kat, but the killer made me."

I heard the killer coming back and immediately stopped talking. The killer had a knife and chainsaw in their hand. Another fear I had was chainsaws, ever since I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The killer came towards me and untied me, they put the chainsaw in my hands. I immediately knew what they wanted me to do. They wanted me to kill Victor.

"No, I'm not killing him!"

"Either you kill him, or I'll kill your mother."

The killer pulled out a phone and a video was on the screen. The killer put it to my face and I saw my mother. My mom was tied to a chair, and something was hanging over her. The killer took the phone away and pulled out a remote of some sort.

"You see, if you don't kill him, I will push this button."

"The button is designed to pour the liquid on your mother."

"Do you want to know what that liquid is Kat."

"Don't you dare hurt my mom!"

"The liquid is hydrofluoric acid, which will dissolve her entire body."

"You're sickening!"

The killer grabbed the chainsaw, and pulled the string to start it. I walked towards Victor and mouthed "I'm sorry". I grabbed the chainsaw and cut off his head, so he wouldn't suffer. Blood splattered all over by face, and clothes, it got into my mouth. The taste was rusty, I fell to my knees and sobbed beside Victor's body. I stared at his headless body, and wished it was me instead.

"Good girl Kat."

"But I'm afraid I'm still hurt about you choosing Victor over me."

The killer pulled out the button, and pressed it.

"No! 'I did what you wanted, you lied!"

The killer pulled out the phone and I saw my mom's body, it was slowly dissolving. The killer had put the knife down on the rock. I slowly walked towards it while they were watching my mother's death humorously. I grabbed the knife and jumped on top of the killer. I grabbed the rope next to me and tied their arms and feet together.

I grabbed their mask and ripped it off, I stood in shock. The killer was Coraline all along.

"Why Coraline?"

"Why did you do all of this?"

"I did it for you Kat."

"I did it so that we could be together, without anyone coming between us."

"You are psychotic."

"All of your friends were in my way of having you to myself."

"What about my mother? 'My mother was nothing but nice to you."

"That was just payback for Victor."

"I hate you!"

"But, I thought this would make you love me again."

"You thought wrong."

I grabbed the knife and stabbed Coraline in the stomach.

"Kat, I love you always know that, this was all for you."

I stabbed her over and over, feeling the blood splatter on my face. Finally, I felt the life exit out of Coraline's body and threw the knife. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

The police told me that they had evidence linking Coraline to every murder.

"So what happens now?"

"You'll stay with any relative we can get a hold of."

I clutched my phone for safety, and tried to come to the conclusion that Coraline was always like this. How could I have missed it? How could I have missed that she was crazy? My aunt came through the police doors, and hugged me. We left the police station, and drove to her house.

My aunt told me that we would grab some of my things later, and that I needed sleep. I walked to the spare room and fell down on the bed. It was over, it was all over. I felt my phone vibrate. It was from an unknown number, my heart dropped. I opened the text message and read it.

It said, "It's only just begun Kat."

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