Chapter 2-

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The week flew by very quickly. It was Friday, my favorite day of the week. I walked out of my seventh period and walked straight to my locker. I opened it and a little folded up paper fell out. I read it and froze in my place. The note said.
“What’s your biggest fear? Jennifer’s was water.”
My stomach turned and I began to get nauseated. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the school to my bus. I walked into the bus and sat next to Cal.
“Hey, are you okay Kat?”
“I don’t know, I guess so.”
I had the note in my hand and clenched it tightly. I guess Cal noticed because right after she asked me what I was holding. I showed her and she freaked out.
“Who wrote this!?”
“That’s the problem, I don’t know.”
“Do you think they’ll be at Reagan’s party?”
“I hope not.”
I unlocked the door to my house and went straight for my bedroom. I turned on Motionless in White and started to get ready. After about an hour of getting ready, I looked at myself in the mirror. I have always hated my body, I wasn’t skinny, but I wasn’t fat either. I curled my long black hair for tonight. My skin looked very pale, I was wearing a black skull printed dress with converse. My blue eyes were the only thing I liked about myself.
I called Coraline to find out if she was ready or not.
“Hey, are you ready?”
There was no response, she must have accidently answered because I heard something suspicious.
“Stop, you’re tickling me.” I heard Coraline giggle.
“Make me.” I heard an unknown male voice say.
Then I hung up. It’s just my mind playing tricks on me. Coraline loves me, she would never do that to me. Or would she? She has been distant the past two months. She doesn’t show her love for me like she used to. It’s killing me because I love this girl, but she’s pushing me away, and I don’t know what to do. What’s wrong with me? Why am I never enough?
My mom let me take her car for the night. I drove to Coraline’s house and waited till she came out. Coraline was wearing a bright pink dress with black heels. All I could think about was that phone call. What if she was cheating on me? What if my biggest fear was coming true? I began to panic, I couldn’t breathe. Finally, I calmed myself down before she got in the car.
“Hey beautiful.”
“Hey, did you get my call earlier?”
“Oh, no sorry I was studying and had my phone on mute.”
“Oh, okay.”
That was the biggest lie have ever heard. But if she thinks I’m that dumb then I’ll play dumb. Hopefully I’m wrong about everything and I’m just overreacting. I love her and she’s the love of my life. I can’t imagine my life without her and I don’t want to. So for now, I’m going to  let it slide and not worry about it for the night.
We pulled up to Reagan’s house, the sound of music filled the house. I opened the door and immediately had the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I brushed off the pessimistic thought and began to walk towards Cal.
“Hey, Kat, where’s Coraline?’
I turned around and Caroline wasn’t there anymore.
“I don’t know, she was right here.”
“Are you guys doing okay?”
“She’s getting distant, and cold, and I don’t know what I’ve done to her, but it’s killing me Cal.”
“Why am I never enough?”
“Katherine stop it, you are enough, just wait things out, it will get better.”
“I love you Cal.”
“I love you too Kat, let’s go dance.”
Cal and I went outside and started dancing. Cal always knew how to take my mind off of things. After an hour I finally saw Coraline, I walked towards her and hugged her. I grabbed her and then I kissed her passionately. Coraline pulled away and stepped back a few steps.
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
“I do.”
“What have I done Coraline, tell me so I can fix it.”
A guy in all black that I didn’t recognize was standing at the top of the stair-case.
“We’ll talk about this later Kat, I love you, truly I do.”
Coraline walked up the stair-case, but the guy was gone. I went up to the bathroom to try and calm my frazzled nerves. I opened the bathroom door and I began to sob. It was like all the butterflies in my stomach had died. All that was left was pain, and emptiness. I looked at myself in the mirror and could see why Coraline didn’t want me anymore. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I had a text message from an unknown number.
“Go into the last bedroom at the end of the hall.”
“Why? ‘Who is this?”
“What do you want from me?”
“You’ll find out soon Katherine.”
I opened the bathroom door and walked into the hallway. I found the bedroom at the end of the door. I turned the knob and saw something I hoped I would never see.

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