Chapter 5-

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Fear began to fill my entire body, I couldn't move. My body became cold and all I could think about is him killing me next.

"What's wrong? 'You look pale."

"N-n- nothing I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes." I lied.

I couldn't tell him I knew what he was planning. I should have just stayed home. We drove down town to the park where the movies were being held. Victor parked the car on the side of the street. We walked up the hill to Salem Park. A flood of kids filled the grass with blankets, and picnic baskets. Victor grabbed my hand and let me to a patch of grass in front of the inflatable screen. When he held my hand, I got a stomach turning feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Is this spot okay?"


I felt someone staring at Victor and me. I turned around and saw Coraline sitting with one of her friends. I saw water begin to fill her eyes, but she held them in. I felt accomplished, that was only half of the pain I felt when I caught her cheating on me. Victor spread the blanket across the grass. I sat down and patiently waited for the movie to begin.

The previews for other movies began to show. I saw a couple that I have seen before, but not many. The title showed up finally, it was Nightmare on Elm Street. Fifteen minutes into the movie I felt Victors hand slowly come towards mine. Our fingers intertwined and made me feel sort of safe. He scooted closer and put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and felt Coraline staring at me. I turned around, she was getting up. We made eye contact, I saw the tears roll down her rosy cheeks.

Coraline and her friend left, a couple minutes later I got a text. It was from Coraline, it said.

"That's supposed to be me holding you."

"It was you, until you chose someone else to give all your attention to."

"Can't we just work this out? 'Please, I love you.'

"Have a nice night Coraline."

I put my phone on mute and focused on the movie and Victor. The movie had ended and nothing bad had happened. I looked at Victor, his blue eyes were piercing into my soul again.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?" He smiled.

"Looking at me like that."

"Like you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen?"

I looked down at the ground and blushed.

"Stop it." I gave him a nudge.

"Sorry Kat, I can't because it's true."

I looked up and looked into his eyes for a few seconds. Victor leaned towards me, and ran his fingers through my hair. I leaned in towards him not breaking eye contact. He put his hands underneath my jaw, and traced his thumbs along my jawline. I gazed into his eyes and felt his lips press against mine. I felt my stomach go crazy, and my heart beat faster. He kissed me so passionately I freaked out with excitement on the inside. He pulled away and gave me smirk.

"I'm going to hurt you." I said jokingly.

"You're worth the pain."

He put his hand out, and I grabbed it pulling myself up. We cleaned up the blanket and walked towards the car. I couldn't help but blush every time he looked at me. It was like he knew what to do to make me feel comfortable around him. I thought about the knife and bloody rope in the car. What if he didn't actually like me? What if it was his way of weaseling his way into my life to kill me? These questions flooded my mind until we got into the car.

I stepped into the passenger side of the car and sat down. I looked down on the car floor, the knife and rope were gone. I was so confused, he was with me the whole time. Did someone steal the knife? Or was it just my mind playing tricks on me? We started driving away from the road that led to my house.

"Um, where are we going?"

"You'll see."

I texted Cal to see how she was doing, there was no response. Which is unlike her because she is always on her phone. We drove into the woods, Victor parked the car by a trail. A nervous feeling began to come over me. Victor got out of the car, and walked to my door and opened it. I got out of the car, and he took my hand.

"Come on, I want to show you something."

"What is it?"

"Some place special."

We walked for a few minutes till we finally got to where he was taking me. He wrapped his hands around my eyes and led me to a rock. He lifted his hands away and I stood in amazement. Victor ad taken me to a spot in the woods where you could see the entire town's lights.

"It's beautiful Victor."

"You know the excitement and happiness you had when you saw it?"


"That's the feeling I get every time I see you."

I felt my face get warm and begin to blush.

"I've always felt this way about you. 'Ever since we were kids."

"Why didn't you tell me Victor?"

"I didn't think you'd feel the same."

He looked down and kicked rocks over the edge of the cliff.

"Well know you know the answer."

I put my hands around his neck and kissed him passionately. I stopped kissing him and wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. I looked at the time on my phone and noticed I had a message. I opened it, and knots began to fill my stomach. The blocked number had sent me a picture of me and Victor kissing. My phone vibrated again.

"You're going to regret that."

Victor saw the fear in my eyes and grabbed my phone from my hands. Victor saw the picture and then looked at me.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know, me and Cal think it's the person murdering out classmates."

"Do you have any idea on who it might be?"

"No and it's terrifying me."

Suddenly, we heard a scream. We ran towards the end of the woods to Victor's car. There was a trail of blood. Victor's car window had "It's only just begun" in blood written on it. Fearfully we followed the trail of blood. It led us to a body, I recognized the clothing and body structure instantly. It was Callie.

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