Chapter 8-

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I woke up feeling very groggy, my mother was sitting next to me. I was lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV. My mother noticed I had woken up and stared at me. I saw the tears in her eyed forming, it shattered my heart.

"Why?" My mother cried.

"I didn't want to be here anymore, I didn't want to feel this pain anymore."

My mother looked at the ground and went silent.

"I'm going to tell the nurse that you're awake."

Why didn't it work? Why am I still here? My mother must have come into the bathroom in time. All I could think about was how badly I wished my mom wouldn't have made it in time. I heard the hospital door click open, a nurse walked into the hospital room.

"Hello Katherine, my name is Angela."


"I'm just going to check your blood pressure."

Angela grabbed the blood pressure pump, and wrapped it around my arm. I felt it crushing my arm, causing my arm to throb. Angela took off the blood pressure bump and wrote on my chart.

"Your blood pressure is normal, which ids good."

"Okay, when can I get let out of here?"

"That's up to your doctor, he should be coming in any moment to check on you."

The nurse walked out of my room, leaving her chart behind. I decided to grab it and see what was on it. I scanned through it until I saw something that caught my eye. There was a note, it said that the police think I'm the killer. I heard the door click, I quickly put the chart back and sat down. My mom walked into the room with food from the cafeteria.

"Do the police really think I killed them?"

"It's just a theory sweetie?"

"Why would they have that theory though mom?"

"They think the reason you did what you did to yourself, was because of the guilt."

"What would I have to feel guilty about?"

"Killing your friends."

I looked at the ground and began to fill with hate. How could the police assume that I would kill my best friend? They don't understand what it's like to lose everyone they love. Every ounce of happiness I had, has been ripped away from me. They just don't understand my pain, and people fear what they can't understand.

"Do you believe I killed them mom?"

"No! 'Of course not sweetheart."

"Good because I didn't, and I especially didn't kill Cal."

My mother got a phone call from the morgue, she stepped out into the hallway.

I turned on the TV to see if anything good was on, I turned to MTV. Nothing good was on, so I turned the TV back off. I heard someone knocking on the door, expecting the doctor, I said to come in. I was wrong, it wasn't the doctor, it was Coraline. I automatically got very annoyed, and emotionally exhausted. Coraline walked to the chair next to me, and sat down.

"What were you thinking!?"

"I wasn't, I just didn't want to feel like this anymore."

"Did you even think about how it would affect me?"

"Affect you? 'Since when do you care about what happens to me?"

"I will always care, if we are together or not."

"Really? 'Because you didn't seem to care when you were making out with some guy."

"When are you going to let it go?"

"Never Coraline! 'I gave you all of me just to watch you throw it away."

I saw her facial expression fade from sadness to anger.

"I heard about what happened with Victor."

"Yeah what about it?"

"That means we can finally be together again."

"No Coraline, I don't want to be with you."

"I thought that you loved me, what happened to forever and always?"

"Sometimes forever doesn't last, now does it."

Coraline's face turned bright red, she tried to grab my arm but I pulled it away in time.

"Even though Victor doesn't want me anymore, doesn't mean I want to be with a cheater."

Coraline grabbed her bag, and stormed out of the hospital room, slamming the door behind her.

After a couple days, I finally get to leave the hospital today. My doctor took me off of antidepressants and put me on suicide watch. Which means I can't be alone until my suicidal thoughts go away. I grabbed my bag of clothes, and walked out of the hospital, and into my mom's car.

When I got home all I could think about was how I would have never seen this house again. I walked to my room and laid down on my bed. I drifted to sleep, I must have slept for only a couple hours. I woke up at midnight, I heard a strange noise come from my closet. I got up out of my bed, and decided to go towards it. I walked slowly towards the closet door, and opened it. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and someone walked out of the closet. They had a cloth in their hand, and put it over my mouth.

"Now no one can have you."

I noticed that the killer was using a voice disguiser.

"Now you can't run from me."

I tried to scream, but nothing came out. Suddenly everything went pitch black.

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