Chapter 6-

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I ran towards her body and kneeled beside her. Blood was running along her face. Cal was stabbed to what seemed to be six times in the stomach. Cal tried to speak but it was impossible to understand what she was trying to say.

"Cal, stay with me, who did this to you!?"

Cal tried to speak again, still we couldn't understand her. Cal dipped her finger in her wound and used the blood to write something on her arm. Suddenly her arm dropped, and the life left her body. Cal was dead. I looked to see what she wrote on her arm. Cal had written, "The killer is" and then bled out before she could finish. I felt my heart literally breaking inside of me. I fell onto her and began to sob. What am I supposed to do now? She's my best friend. Now she's gone, what am I going to do without her? How am I going to live without the only person who stood by my side when everyone else abandoned me?

So much trauma was going through my mind that I didn't notice Victor hugging me from behind. I turned around a hugged him and cried into his shirt.

"What am I supposed to do know Victor?"

"I- I don't know Kat."

"Why does everyone around me die, or leave?" I sobbed

"I'm not leaving Kat, whether you like it or not."

Victor grabbed my phone and called 911, they were there within five minutes. I watched them take Cal's body away and I couldn't breathe anymore. This was it, this was the moment I knew, I didn't care whether I died or lived. I just wanted to see my father and my best friend once more. Cal's mom pulled up to the scene, she rushed out of the car and saw Cal's body.

"No! 'My baby, what have they done to my baby!?"

I walked towards her and hugged her, I felt her tears stain my shirt. It broke my heart hearing her mother break down like that. I know Cal would want us all to see the bright side of it, or at least try. But how can we try? How can I possibly try? I lost my best friend and it's not okay, nothing will ever be okay. I pulled away from Cal's mom and told her how sorry I was. The police came up to me and asked me if they could question me.

"Where were you two at 12:00 PM?"

"We were at the edge of the mountain looking at the towns lights." Victor quickly answered.

"Is this true Miss?"


"You said to one of the policemen that the killer texted you?"

"Yes, I'll show you."

I pulled out my phone and showed the policemen the text messages.

"We are going to need your phone to try to find out who it is."

"That's fine." I said emotionlessly.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Victor and I walked back to his car, I was silent the whole time. I was looking out the window. The rain was pouring down like a waterfall. It calmed me down, but I still felt the pain gnawing at my stomach. We pulled into my driveway, I got out of the car and walked to the front door.

"Kat, wait."


Victor grabbed me and spun me around, he gently pressed his lips against mine. I felt his arms wrap around my waist tightly.

"If you need anything call me, okay?"


"Goodnight beautiful."

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