Part 3

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Phil placed the plant in the corner of his living room and he watered it everyday as usual. Dan and Phil were both sitting on the couch and Phil looked over to the house plant and started getting horny. He let out a moan and Dan looked at him confused. He looked over to where Phil was looking at, after seeing he was staring at the house plant he bit his lip at the sight of Phil getting horny. Dan also had a fetish that no one knew about. He had a Malteasers fetish. That candy did so many wonderful things to him and turned him on so much he would let out moans like crazy. He always hid some so Phil won't find them. Suddenly Phil started to get hungry and he thought his new plant deserved a snack, Phil quickly ran to the kitchen and something caught his eyes, a red wrapper, Phil went and opened a box which was hidden in the corner of the kitchen, then he slowly started to open the box which was full of malteasers and Dan's cereal. Phil was to distracted with the box that he couldn't hear Dan screaming for help. As Phil started to go back, he noticed Dan and his house plant being attacked by Phil's other plants, he dropped the Malteasers and ran to his new house plant, then he saw his old house plants all had the face of Kanye and his new plant which had the face of a PEPE. Phil quickly grabbed a knife and stabbed the Kanye faced plants, the plants crafted, dying slowly and had Malteasers spilling out of them. Dan sudden let out a loud moan. Phil turns around to see Dan pantsless and shoving the malteasers up his ass. The meme plant quickly turned back to normal, and the Pepe meme came to life. Phil and Pepe went to Dan and started helping him. After Dan had 3,000 malteaser up his ass, Kanye's soul started to attack Phil. Dan started to shoot the candy out his ass and quickly killed kanye and Phil. The poor living meme was sad that Phil died because his dank memes were too much. Doot came from the attic and stabbed Dan.
Dan was awaken to Phil humping his body

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