Chapter 7

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*Jade's POV*

I was laying in bed, watching Supernatural on netflix when my phone buzzed loudly, indicating a text message. I rolled over and grabbed it from my bedside table, sliding it unlocked and looking at the screen. It was from Luke asking if he could come over. I was confused as to why Luke would want to come to my house, but I was rather bored and Ashton was out shopping with Michael, so I agreed. Isent my reply before pausing the show and standing up, heading to my closet to put on some clothes that weren't my pajamas. I decided on some black leggings and a def leppard t shirt, then threw my hair into a bun. As soon as I sat back down, the doorbell rang. I jogged over and answered it to see Luke standing there looking like a god. He was wearing a red flannel and black skinny jeans complete with a black snapback. "Hi there," he grinned, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "Hey! Are you hungry? Thirsty?" I asked, him following behind me to the kitchen. "I'm actually a little thirsty. Can I have a bottle of water?" "Sure!" I smiled, grabbing him one from the fridge.

We were sitting on the couch for what felt like days, watching scary movies and telling each other our deepest secrets. I wasn't entirely sure how we went from acquaintances to best friends within 5 hours, but I guess we just clicked.

"You know..You're really cool. We need to hang out more often, I really like hanging out with you," Luke stated, munching on his third bag of popcorn. "I like hanging with you too! I mean, why is it that Ashton and I have been talking for almost a month and you and I have never hung out together until today??" I replied, shoving a reeses in my mouth. "No idea," he shrugged, "but we're definitely hanging more often." I nodded in agreement.

*Luke POV*

Jade was really great. Like, really really great. She was beautiful, she was funny, and she was sweet. I was incredibly angry. I was angry at Ashton, first of all. I was angry that he could even consider hurting this poor girl. How could anyone consider hurting her? Secondly, I was angry with myself, because I was actually considering telling her about the stupid competition between Ashton and Michael. Not only would it devastate her, but it would also probably ruin mine and Ashton's friendship.

After much contemplation, I decided she needed to know.

"Jade.. there's something you need to know about Ashton.." I almost whispered. Her eyes met mine, her brows crinkled in confusion. "What is it?" "" Igulped nervously, "He's using you. He made a bet with Mikey and he wants to see if he can hook up with you. I'm so sorry.."

Everything I Didn't Say: An Ashton Irwin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now