Chapter 1

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"Jade, you're worthless. I'm sorry, but someone had to tell you. Why do you think I left? Because you're pathetic." His words played through my head for the millionth time. It was awhile ago, but the words still stung as if they were said five minutes before. I sighed, trying to compose myself as I walked to my flat in the middle of Sydney, Australia. I had just moved from Texas a few months before, hoping for a new start. I was on my way home from Fernside, a nice coffee shop that reminded me of Starbucks.

I continued walking, plugging in my earphones to my ipod and popping them in my ears, turning the volume to full blast. Shortly after, the melody of American Idiot by Green Day greeted my eardrums. I sighed softly, humming along quietly as I walked. I started at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone when suddenly, I ran into something that felt like a wall. I bounced back slightly, nearly falling down before pulling an earbud from my ear and looking up to see what I had ran into. Instead of my eyes meeting a brick wall, they landed on a tall boy with curly hair. He had bright eyes and the deepest dimples I had ever seen in my life. He was wearing a dark blue bandana just below his hairline and a cut up Slipknot shirt. I instantly recognized him as Ashton Irwin, the drummer of 5 Seconds of Summer.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there! Are you okay?" He asked hurridly, eyes wide with surprise. I nodded, too shocked for words to come out. "Sorry again, I've got to get going, I'm late for something, what's your name?" "Jade," I murmured, barely able to talk. "Jade! Okay, it was lovely to meet you, Jade," he grabbed my iPod from my hands, typing something into it before handing it back, "I'm Ashton, I gave you my number so I could make it up to you later because I really have to leave or else I won't be able to play FIFA for a week so bye! And sorry again for running into you!" he replied, running off before mumbling, "The boys are gonna kill me." I really, really enjoyed his band. They're what kept me sane when my world was falling apart. Too bad I couldn't tell him that, though. I sighed, continuing to my flat.

I unlocked the door, going inside and setting my bag down on the counter, along with my phone and my ipod. What a crazy day.

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