Chapter 1

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Author's Note: By the way, all the names in this book are REALLY WEIRD. I did this on purpose. Elihu's is dedicated to my friend and coauthor Missing_Puzzle_Piece (her real name starts with an E). Debtt is dedicated to my other friend and also my 2nd coauthor Axl Maverick (her real name starts with an D). I'm changing this name because my sister stopped helping me. :( Other coauthors and helpers, please be patient. You'll be getting names that correspond to you as well. I just want to wait for a significant enough character for you. P.S. Kale is kind of like spinach, for those who don't know. I needed a really weird name for him. I don't know why...


Dear Diary,

Welcome to my life, Diary; I am Elihu. Weird name, right? Well, the blame goes to my parents. Anyway, I am in my mid-30's and have never had a friend...except for Tree. Tree, as you may guess, is a tree that can talk. He is a great person and listens to every word I say. I cannot imagine my life without Tree. The cool thing about Tree is that he can do all things that a human can...except moving around. He has a phone that, I bought him, so that we can communicate. We became friends long ago, when I was a mere child. My parents were worried that I had no friends, but I was OK with having only Tree.

Though I have no human friends, I do talk to humans. I have a job at MeinCoul, a research company for cancer medications. I have been working there for 5 years now, and I love the benefits. My boss is awesome because he lets me leave once I have completed all my work. He pays me by the hour, so sometimes I make more money than if I worked full-time, according to many people. I have a weird job, but that's OK. What matters most is my life. Let me go say hi to Tree, or else he'll be mad.

"Hey, Tree! How was your day? Any squirrels come by?"

"Man Elihu! Are there any squirrel exterminators? They are so annoying! They climb on me with no permission what-so-ever, and tickle me to death. And I can't even move! God its horrible! I wish that I were you at times like this."

I laugh. Tree is such a great friend. You probably can't tell that he is really old from the way he talks. He was born when my great-great-great-grandfather was alive. Tree told me that trees like him become adult-sized trees in a year, unlike other trees. Tree has told me many other things, but they are not important now.

"Tree, I'm sorry but there are no squirrel exterminators."

"Well, why can't you create one, man? Aren't you like one of those chemists?"

I laugh again.

"No, Tree. I'm a researcher and I only know how to research for the chemicals used in drugs. I don't really know how to mix them."

"Well, that's stupid. Why did you become one in the first place?"

"Uh, because my parents made me?"

"I never liked your parents. They've always wanted to cut me down and didn't see that I was special, unlike the other stupid trees in your yard."

"I know. I told them not to."

" didn't tell them right?"

"No! I couldn't bring myself to even mention it to them, and why should they believe me?"

"I know. They wouldn't, but think about it this way. You're special and so am I."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I have to go now Tree. Let me make dinner and finish up some more work."

"Before you go, answer this for me: why would people pay 'researchers' to research about chemicals? Like that's so stupid."

"I don't know Tree, I really don't know."

"It's alright, but when you get an answer, please tell me."

"Sure thing."

I went inside and started the stove. I looked in the fridge, and there were only vegetables left. I decided to make soup. I got my Crockpot and boiled some water. I put the ingredients in and looked for some alphabet pasta in the pantry. Once I found some, I dumped that into the soup. I waited for 40 minutes, then added some Italian seasoning. After about 20 minutes, I switched off the stove and took my soup to the table. I took a spoonful and put it in my mouth. I decided that it was good and that Tree should have some too. I opened my porch door and called out to him:

"Yo, Tree! Would you like some of my awesome soup?"

"Sure why not, Elihu. After all, you're not the worst cook on the planet like your grandfather."

I laughed while I prepared a bowl for him. Tree told me that the ability to talk to trees skips a generation in the children. What I mean by that is, in my family, only my great-great-great- grandfather, my great grandfather, and I can talk to special trees. You see how my dad and great-great grandfather couldn't talk to trees? Well, that's why. I don't really know why, but because Tree knows like everything, I just accept it. Now you may be wondering, why my father couldn't talk to trees, but I can. Yes, it does defy the rule, but my dad hurt a tree when he was very young. According to Tree, my father enjoyed ripping bark off of trees. He of course did not touch Tree, but the others in our yard were affected. Tree put a curse on him, saying that he will no longer be able to communicate with them any longer. This was of course before the age of seven, so my father had forgotten all about it. Somehow, Tree managed to use his magic and give me the ability to talk with trees. There are special rules about this magic, which I have no clue about, but Tree seems to know every one of them. I wonder how...

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