Chapter 2

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Dear Diary,

When I went to work today, my boss called me over for a meeting. I was really scared because I thought that he was going to fire me. I went to the conference room he booked for our meeting. I brought all my stuff just in case. Although he is really nice, my boss can be really scary too, especially if he's upset. So here I am, in the conference room, waiting for my boss to come. Ah! There he is. Got to go!

"Why are you writing so quickly in a notebook?" my boss asked as soon as he entered the room with his laptop, some papers, and two notebooks.

" guess I...uh...was planning out my day?"

He raised an eyebrow and sat down, raising his hands in surrender.

"Ok, whatever you say Elihu. I came here to talk to you about a trip that I'd like you to take to research more on the current drug we are trying to make."

I sighed in relief because he wasn't mad at me. I stopped freaking out and relaxed a bit.

He continued, "Are you listening, Elihu? Yeah well, you'll be going to Australia to research this drug. Don't worry though because I have arranged for others to work with you. What do you say?"

"Well, how long would I be there?"

"A few years at the least. I'm thinking about 4 from what things look like from the MeinCoul perspective. It may be increased to a maximum of 8 years. I know its long, but we really need someone to go there, and you are the best candidate. I will even increase your pay by 20% if you agree. We're that desperate for someone."

Whoa. That was a lot thrown at me right there. FOUR YEARS AWAY FROM TREE?! What was this man thinking?! Maybe I might take the offer because of money...but does money really matter? I mean I just needed for taxes and food and clothes and well, I think I need the money. I should ask Tree about this.

"May have a day or two to think about it? And, is the 20% increase permanent, or only while I'm in Australia?"

"Worried about the money, eh? Aren't you single? I shouldn't be asking that. Anyway, no I only have the ability to increase your pay for the time you're gone. I can, however, give you about 2 days to decide."

"Alright, thank you. Should I email you, or talk or maybe call-"

"Don't over complicate things, Elihu. Whatever mode of communication suits you suits me too."

"Ok, thanks!"

"Oh Elihu, one more thing. I believe that you are done working today, yes?"

That was weird. Why does he care so much if I'm done or not. He usually never asks...

"Umm, yeah I guess so. Why?"

"Do you mind coming over for dinner tonight? My wife cooks really well."

"I don't know yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I get home."

I hope I didn't make him suspicious. Well, he probably is. I mean a single man that lives by himself...shouldn't he know his own schedule? I needed to ask Tree because he is my adviser. He freaks if I don't ask him about these things.

"Elihu son, you truly are a wonder. I hope that you are able to come!"

Oops, I think I made it too obvious. Oh well. What does he want in the first place?


I went home and wore my pajamas. I started to make green tea because I needed some relaxing time to myself. A lot happened today, and I needed to think about it. I drank my tea and went outside to talk to Tree.

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