Chapter 4

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I'm sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I had a lot of tests and couldn't find ANY time to update. I made this chapter over a large span of days, so if you feel anything is off, please let me know and I'll do my best to change it!


Dear Diary,

I gave the directions to my house before I left work. I got home, took a brief shower, and wore some simple clothes, just in case he came today...oh wait, he was coming today. I decided to talk to Tree while I waited for him. I walked outside and I when I approached Tree, he didn't look like his happy self.

"What happened to you Tree?"

"Well, I just was looking into the near future and I'm not happy about what I saw..."

" What did you see? Is it private?!"

He chuckled and replied, "No because it was about you. How can that be private? Actually, it can be private because I'm not allowed to tell you what I saw. My adviser said that I couldn't"

His adviser? Who's that? How do I not know about him? I better not ask because Tree doesn't seem like he wants to talk any more. I said bye to him and went inside the house, and started the stove. Just then the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Kale standing with a large suitcase on my doorstep.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like that, or are you going to let me inside you house?"

I moved aside so that he could enter. He looked around, and I think he was impressed. He set down his suitcase in the living room, and went to sit on a chair.

"Give me a moment Kale. I have green tea on the stove."

With that, I left him to do whatever he needed to do and finished making the tea.


I almost dropped the tea kettle and the mugs when I came back to the living room. He was doing some awkward looking exercises. I cleared my throat hoping that he would notice. He did, and looked at me as if I had woken him up from a deep sleep.

"Sorry Elihu. I was just getting prepared for our lesson. Yes, yes. Tea will be good for our session today. We have a lot to cover in a short amount of time. No time to drink tea now, but we can have it after the lesson."

He was being overly enthusiastic yet again. I left the tea on the counter and went up to him to "begin our lesson". He told me to sit on the ground and think of a human friend. I told him that I had none, so he told me to think of a person that I'm closely acquainted with. I closed my eyes and thought of my grandfather. At the same time, I was wondering why I was doing this.

"Elihu, you can open your eyes now."

When I did, I saw a ghost-like appearance of my grandfather for a split second, but then he vanished before I could say anything.

"Elihu, you must be a natural! Even though your grandfather disappeared, you still did well for your first try. At this rate, I think I'll only need to stay here for three days! Now, I want you to try a person that isn't Special. This will be harder. I need you to focus and think of a clear image of them."

I thought of a vivid image of my mom for a few minutes. When Kale told me to open my eyes, to my astonishment, I saw her in front of me, but she was like a normal person. I wonder what she was thinking.

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