:: Attempt 02 | A Beautiful Indifference::

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:: Attempt 02 | A Beautiful Indifference ::

"Cause there is hate and there is love and there is loss,
But there is light and there is dark, then there is us.
And whether this world burns, is none of your concern,
Caught up in a ticker-tape parade.

"I have learned to stand up and just to walk away,
Sometimes the cold hearts aren't worth the love or the hate.
Learn to let go, learn to walk away.
Up from the shadows I'm seduced by the light of the flame,
But this time I'm here to stay."

-"A Beautiful Indifference" by Rise Against

x + x

< ? >

The world slows, turns, moving faster and faster, as rapidly as I have ever seen it. It tilts to the side, spinning, tumbling again and again, over and over until I can't tell which is the sky and the earth, and all I can feel is the ground, all I'm holding on to.

All I see are shades of red and gold, blending into one, a hazy blur. I want to close my eyes, to shut it all out, but I can't-- I can't look away.

I can't look away from the destruction.

I can't deny that everything I've known is gone,



No parents, no three o'clock meriendas right on the dot, no nothing.

Yet the world keeps turning, spinning faster and faster until I can't help but wish it doesn't stop. Until all I see - all I know - is the endless yellow, the stupidly bright light.

I can't look away.

Because if I do - I'll lose everything I've believed in all over again.

x + x

"Never show any weakness, Aoi. Do not, under any circumstances whatsoever, let your emotions get the best of you; they shall be your catalyst of destruction. Do you understand?"

'Treis' words echo in my head as I repeatedly slam my right leg against the rubber dummy's neck. I lower the limb, before shifting my balance to my left foot, throwing out my right elbow into a strike towards its sternum. It briefly collides with my intended target, and I subsequently whirl around on one leg, executing a poorly attempted kick to its cheek. Off-balanced, I tumble to the thick training mats in a distracted heap.

"Damn it all.." I hiss, swiping a hand across my sweat-drenched brow.

I'm still too weak, too volatile for this mission. I let myself get easily thrown off-guard when that conniving bastard (otherwise known as Asano Gakushu) easily overpowered me. Were all the years I spent training out of his sight useless? Were they? Or was it my fault all over again?

Never again, I inwardly seethe, slamming a white-knuckled fist onto my trembling legs. Shaking from exhaustion, I draw my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around myself as I tuck myself into a tiny ball; secluded from the rest of the world in this training room.

If I failed..

Well, there wasn't exactly a future I'm willing to look forward to.

As such, I have to be the one to kill that abomination. Otherwise I'll never be proven worthy, that still have a purpose in this cruel world.

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