:: Attempt 03 | Falling Sky ::

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:: Attempt 03 | Falling Sky ::

"Only those elements time cannot wear
Were made before me, and beyond time I stand.
Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here."
- The Inscription upon the Gate to Hell,
Canto III, The Inferno by Dante Alighieri

x + x

"I'm in Class C then.." Tsubaki mutters uninterestedly as she glances at the sheet of paper in her hands. It rustles as she folds it into a neat square, tucking it into her bag. "Not that I expected to be placed into a class higher than D." She adds after a brief pause, shifting her hold upon her school bag.

I shrug in return, adjusting the straps of my messenger bag.

Despite her earlier timidity, I find Tsubaki to be quite an amiable companion. She isn't overly bubbly, cheerful, or anything of the sort; she's quiet, yet thoughtful. And I appreciate her insights on the simplest of things.

At the very least, she will manage to fit in with her classmates.

Unlike the class that I - due to evident circumstances - will be attending. (Perhaps I should also mention that it's mostly due to a certain bastard's interference.)

"Which class are you attending, Aoi-s--" I shoot her a look, to which she smiles sheepishly, scratching at her cheek as she averts her gaze. I sigh in return, unfolding the slip of paper the Chairman sent to me approximately an hour before.

"C-Class A?!" She gasps in surprise, shakily folding the piece with trembling fingers. She looks up at me, and a wry smile tugs at my lips as I nod in affirmation.

"Not to be rude, A-Aoi, but.." She stammers, gingerly fiddling with her fingers. I sigh yet again, placing a hand upon her shoulder. She stiffens immediately, relaxing only slightly as I lift my hand and poke her square upon the forehead.

I smile at the bewildered expression upon her face; gray eyes wide with uncomprehension, her lips parted slightly. I can almost see the gears turning in her head as she tries to come up with something to say.

It's amusing, to say the least. And no, that statement isn't meant to sound strange.

A look of understanding crosses her features not long after, and a glimmer of concern is palpable through her questioning gaze. Are you going to be okay? She seems to ask.

"That's the section where Asano--"

"I'll be fine, Tsubaki," I say as calmly as I can muster. "Now let's go; we don't want to be late on our first day, do we?"

She nods in return; her dark, chin-length hair bobbing up and down as she takes her place at my side.

Our footsteps click upon the pristine tiles as we weave through the mass of gathering students. I remain placid, boredom influencing me to open the book within my hands after I briefly adjust my headphones. Tsubaki keeps her steps in time with mine; eyes darting from side to side in faux apprehension. I can audibly hear her wince each time a rude student shoulders past her, and amusement further stirs within me.

I can see why Father assigned her to this mission, I muse, observing the alertness barely concealed in a flurry of faked nervousness within her eyes. She is a natural at deception.

Finally, we slow to a stop beside an open doorway; a plain, monotone sign indicating that the room is Class 3-C. I raise my hand in farewell, a reassuring smile upon my lips as Tsubaki hesitantly entered with an exaggerated sigh.

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