:: Attempt 19 | Madness ::

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:: Attempt 19 | Madness ::

"All of my life I built this armor,
In every disguise I ever wore;
Ashes and dust, I made an island.
Facing the end, I said, "What for?"

"Sometimes it's a battle, at times it's a war;
But you're never defenseless.
Sometimes we all lose strength,
Please don't lose your faith."
- "Madness" by Sleeping with Sirens

x + x

It is still early in the morning; even before the crack of dawn, most may say, and no one who is, quite frankly, sane will deign to be up and about at such an ungodly hour.

Anyone who has no business at such a time, in any case.

I look down at the faint traces of lead upon my fingertips, brushing my fingers upon the already dirtied cloth of my shirt. The half-finished sketch lies beyond my line of sight, stuffed into my sketchpad and hopefully out of prying eyes.

Sleep has, predictably, eluded me once again, leaving me to sit by my desk, twirling my mechanical pencil around my fingers as I wait for the rest of the household to awaken. A dry smile curls my lips. That, unfortunately so, will not be for three or so hours at the very least, as it is still approximately two o'clock in the morning.

Night has yet to relinquish its dark hold upon the skies; the faintest glimmer of the stars barely visible through the roiling clouds. A sigh passes forth from between my lips as I stand, pushing back my chair.

Perhaps I should—

An almost inaudible knock upon the door greets my innermost thoughts, cutting it off rather abruptly. I turn to the doorway, warily approaching the mahogany door.

Who's even up at this hour aside from me?

"Stop hesitating, Aoi, I know you're awake." 'Miles's voice says half-impatiently as I slowly pull the door open, revealing the said male standing upon my doorstep.

He blinks, running his fingers through his hair, still tangled and knotted from his sleep—or possible lack thereof. I smile in amusement, taking in his rather half-asleep, rumpled form.

It is rather cute, I think in amusement, before I force it away, stuffing it somewhere in the very back of my mind.

"Why aren't you asleep, Basil?" I question, flicking the lights on as I pass by him, vaguely gesturing for the boy to come inside. He does as I silently ask, taking a seat at the edge of my bed.

"I should ask ya' that, Aoi," he replies, still very much combing through his hair. I stifle a laugh at his bedhead, perching upon my swivel chair mere meters away from where he sits. He pauses for a moment, lowering his hand to his lap.

When he speaks, he looks straight at me, evergreen eyes boring into mine.

"Still haven't cured your insomnia?"

I stiffen, looking away from him. "That's none of your business." I say sharply, crossing my arms under my chest, ignoring the burn threatening to lay claim upon my cheeks as I realize that I am wearing only my sleepwear in front of this boy.

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