:: Attempt 20.5 | City of Angels ::

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:: Attempt 20.5 | City of Angels ::

"There was truth, there was consequence;
Against you, a weak defense,
Then there's me, I'm seventeen,
Looking for a fight.

"All my life I was never there;
Just a ghost running scared.
Here our dreams aren't made—
They're won."
-"City of Angels" by Thirty Seconds to Mars

x + x

[The previous day; after the run-in with a certain strawberry-blond male.]

It's an unusually long day for a certain pseudo-brunette.

Sighing heavily, Tsubaki looks toward the tangerine skies, taking note of the rather late hour. It is already an hour and a half past their dismissal time, and still she is stuck here, her arms aching from the strenuous activity her merciless homeroom teacher had set upon her.

Who knew that carrying stacks of several dozens of handouts would turn out to be this exhausting?

She is actually sure that she had a decent stamina—though she severely lacked enough upper body strength. So noted, Tsubaki thinks bitterly as another sigh passes forth from her lips. She glances at the lit-up screen of her phone, casting a brief look towards the busy streets as she begins to cross the road.

No calls, no emails, no texts.

Where could Aoi have gone?

It is possible that she is with Eren-san (the two are parabatai, after all; they have a much closer—ahem, intimate [so she thinks, anyway] relationship with each other compared to other Sybille agents.) It is likely that she is talking to the aforementioned boy about the more sketchy details of the mission.

(Aoi had intentionally neglected to orient the brunet on the matter, as she had willingly tried to avoid him for the entire day after the 'incident' early in the morning.)

A slight smile curls her lips at the thought; her pace kept slightly faster than the average pedestrian as she weaves through the crowd, dodging 'innocent' passersby with a nimble ease presented by trained agents.

For the entire time she had known the volatile redhead, it's only when Eren had appeared that she started to smile, to open up even more than before. Hell, Tsubaki hasn't even come close to the thought that Aoi is the kind to be flustered so easily around those who tend to trespass her personal space. (A thing that 'Miles' seemed to often do, to the Hanazono's dismay and the pseudo-brunette's amusement.)

Something vibrates within the confines of her bag as she turns around the corner, and she pulls at the zipper, digging through her notebooks, textbooks, and the occasional pocket knife for her phone. So occupied is our resident Fujimoto that she unintentionally collides with someone, who keeps her at a distance via a hand placed upon her shoulder.

"Watch where you're going," a female voice says haughtily as Tsubaki looks up, straightening her glasses.

A girl with black hair and similarly dark eyes looks at her, still holding the hand of a boy with orange-brown hair, whose other hand is placed upon the pseudo-brunette's shoulder. She takes a step back, adjusting her grip upon her phone as she does so, and stares evenly back at the female, a spark of recognition in her eyes.

"Oh, so it's you, Tsuchiya-san," Tsubaki utters flatly, her lips turning down into an uninterested line.

The said girl is of the manipulative sort, after all. It is due to her that she is late in meeting up with Aoi, having passed the duty of taking the handouts to the class to the annoyed pseudo-brunette.

"I thought you had an urgent matter to take care of at home?" She continues, casting a brief look towards the confused male, who stares at the evidently seething ravenette. "If you just said that you were going to be a slut outside of campus like always, I would have told Inoue-sensei."

Tsuchiya Kaho grits her teeth, her eyes glaring fiercely at the irritated Fujimoto.

"Fujimoto, you b—"

"Excuse me," Tsubaki cuts in, narrowing her eyes as she pointedly ignores the seething dark-haired girl, turning towards the orange-brown-haired boy, who seems to be at a loss at what is going on. "It seems that your prostitute of a girlfriend is descending to the level of scum—not that she isn't already there in the first place. I'd rather take my leave now, instead of wasting my time."

With that, she turns away, leaving the 'couple' along the streets.

Now, where's this cafe that Aoi mentioned they're at...?

-To be continued.

[Word Count: 758. Originally written June 18th, 2016. Edited April 5th, 2017.]

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