:: Attempt 16 | Lie To Me (Denial) ::

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:: Attempt 16 | Lie to Me (Denial) ::

"All your secrets crawl inside:
You keep them safe, you let them hide;
You feel them drinking in your pain to kill the memories.

"So close your eyes and let it hurt;
The voice inside begins to stir:
Are you reminded of all you used to be?

"Can you just turn away and let me go?"
- "Lie to Me (Denial)" by RED

x + x

"First period's Math, huh.." I mutter irritably under my breath, carefully keeping my steps in time with the other Class 3-E students.

They look around at the main building students clustered by the windows of their respective rooms, whispered insults hissing and taking flight into the early morning air. As I watch, unease takes hold of their limbs, evident even through the folds of their respective uniforms. I observe quietly, even as a flash of strawberry blond hair catches my attention out of the corner of my eye.

I turn my head slightly to my right, meeting his gaze. He stands at the forefront of the doorway to his classroom, arms crossed across his torso, the rest of the Imbecilic Four at his back. A wry smile worms its way to my lips as I turn back to the others.

My day just has to get worse, doesn't it?

"Struggling with Math again, 'Venatrix'?"

I scowl deeply, flicking a newly sharpened pencil in the direction of his voice. He chuckles, bending over the thick workbook I have been poring over since 'Treis' caught me sketching off on the rooftop.

'Miles' swipes a hand over his brow, the tan skin coming away with sweat. "Polynomials, huh? Looks like you've got yourself a pretty tough punishment."

"If you have the guts to dillydally while you're supposed to be running drills," I grit my teeth, jabbing the end of my ballpoint pen at him as he grins wickedly,"why don't you go back to the mat and show 'Novem' what you've got?"

He laughs sheepishly, ruffling my hair. I swat his hand away, my brows furrowing as I look back down at my work.

"Ya' look like you need help."

A frown tugs at my lips in return. "Thanks for noticing, genius. Now shut the hell up—I'm trying to work on this shit."

He takes a seat next to me, leaning in close enough that if I breathe in deeply, I can smell a faint hint of mint, interspersed with a tinge of sweat. I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

"Let me see." His hands barely cover mine as he reaches for the book, his arm curving around my shoulder. He whistles, low and shrill as he takes a look. Strands of his brown hair are plastered to his forehead, barely shadowing his green eyes.

"Ya' really must've done something to piss off Treis," he quips as he takes my pen, crossing out my most recent answer.

"This one's wrong too.." He crosses out another one, replacing it with his own answer. As though noticing my gaze, he looks up with a mischievous grin.

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