[The First Glimpse | Angels and Demons]

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[The First Glimpse | Angels and Demons ]

"Your eyes, they shine so bright,
I wanna save that light.
I can't escape this now;
Unless you show me how.

"When you feel my heat,
Look into my eyes.
It's where my demons hide,
It's where my demons hide.
Don't get too close,
It's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide."
- "Demons" by Imagine Dragons

x + x

The sea appears to be calm.

He scowls, narrowing his eyes as he watches his sister run up to him. She grins, tugging at his hand as soon as she stops in front of him, sending a spray of fine sand towards his legs.

"C'mon, nii-san, Mom's calling us!"

Her smile never seems to falter. He scowls even deeper, stubbornly digging his toes into the sand. "No. Let go of me."

She giggles, adjusting her grip upon his wrist. Around her neck, a dewdrop pendant swings gently to and fro at the action.

"Aw, don't be like that. You know how Mom's like when she gets mad."

The boy blanches at the words. He knows, of course - a little too well, in fact. Memories of the woman's slight, yet intimidating smiles push towards the forefront of his mind, and he seethes silently. He scowls as he frees his hand out of her tight hold, crossing his arms across his torso.

"Alright, fine. I'm going." He grumbles as she immediately turns on her heel, sprinting as fast as she can. "You damn wrench.."

"Come on, come on! Loser has ta' help with packing up!"

He trudges after her, muttering uncomplimentary words beneath his breath. Giving into the 'witch's demands wasn't something he wanted - it only gave her more leverage than what she already had.

As he walks, his thoughts turn to a different direction; eyes of the same hue of the tropical ocean narrowed as he thought. He gazes at his sister's retreating back, watching her short hair - of the same fiery hue as their mother's - bounce against her shoulder blades.

It was strange how the two of them were of the same flesh and blood, yet they turned out to be complete opposites. He was more like his mother - short tempered and unable to convey much of his true emotions. While his sister was more like their father, an--

"Airhead," he mumbles, and she turns around, her smile turning the slightest bit indignant.


"What took you so long?" An all too familiar voice calls, and they both flinch.

Their mother sat upon the picnic blanket they had strewn across the ground in the shade of a cluster of coconut trees, hands clasped in her lap, her hair tucked into a messy bun. Her eyes gaze upon her children, the exact hue the same as her son's.

His sister immediately takes a seat on her right, resting her chin against her palms. He sighs, sitting in the only available spot. As he does so, his mother's free hand reaches up to run its fingers through his head of rumpled black hair.

He scowls, attempting to protest, yet she simply laughs. "Don't argue with me, my little hero," she says his nickname with pure affection, smiling down at him. He can feel his cheeks flush - not at the heat, certainly, but at the embarrassment. His sister starts to giggle, to be cut off abruptly as he aims a glare.

"Mom, ya' said you're gonna tell us another story!" She interrupts after a brief pause. The woman turns to her daughter, a thoughtful look upon her face. "You know, that one with the angels and demons?"

"I did..?" She smiles knowingly. The little girl nods.

"Well, it isn't exactly a 'story' with predetermined good and evil." She shrugs. "Humans aren't purely good, and some aren't wholly bad either, so it makes this story more interesting."

She knows, of course. She knows,

Because humans are the only ones who can exist as both angels and demons.

-To be continued.

[Edited: July 7th, 2016. Updated: August 25th, 2016. Changes: The 'glimpse'; art in the multimedia by FayeeeM .]

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