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This book has a copyright and it belongs to this writer Adeyemi Omodunke. aka zamba1.
If you see any other story that is similar to  this it is probably copied or stolen from me.
This book is a work of my friction, imagination and hard work.
I don't tolerate any form of interpretations in another language, or change of settings.
I am a Nigerian and I love my book that way.

Now if you have any issues with my book, kindly do my a favour and just remove it from your library.

If you steal,  this book, I will find you & trust me I will.

Above all,  I hope you love this book as much as  I enjoyed it.

I don't tolerate any form of abuse or fight on this platform.
Errors should be kindly pointed out.

Ps: dont forget to vote and comment! 
This book is dedicate to all ladies all over the world.
That lady that has suffered one way or the other, abuse, relationship, depression, low self esteem, raped, trapped, mocked, insulted, molested, sold into slavery and any other thing that can happen to the female race.
God loves you and you may not believe it or you may think I Dont understand what you have gone through because for real I don't.
I don't need to make sense of all what happen in these life because am not all knowing, and I dont have the "all seeing eye"
But I know a person who makes sense of it all.
Romans 8:18 " for I reckon that the sufferings of these present times are not WORTHY to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us"

God wants to give us rest..............

Enjoy the book.......

PST!!!!!!! In case you are confused its still the same book with a little editing...........
Most of the names, character, events, and everything are from the Nigerian perspective.
I have never gone out of Nigeria before so am not sure how to always write and be neutral, anyways enjoy the Nigerian mentality in these book.
Dont forget to vote please...

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