Chapter 7

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Ed,discovered that his prayer life has increased a bit and he has more burden. This was what he was supposed to do, but his heart won't allow him to stop there, he would always remember a certain client that needed a personal visitation from the Holy Spirit. No one could perfect that job on his client, so he found himself on his knees as often as possible interceding on her behalf.

Bright took hold of Jake's note, recently she has discovered that his notes were always rough and covered with red ink, worst his grades has dropped drastically for a session now and Bright thought it was Jake being lazy, everything began to unfold as she kept going through his notes.

She was not too much educated but she was taught a bit of education and that includes basic reading and writing, mistress always said it boasted business and that is the only advantage she seems to pick up from her former profession.

She scanned his notes and saw that he spelt a particular word wrong four times and there are a lit of mistakes even in spelling of his name.

This is strange, isn't a child supposed to know how to write his own name.
He spelt "angry" as "agry" " angy" "hangy"
His name was written as "Jcob", Bright checked another of his notes again, maybe it was her eyes that was deceiving her. After all she has being through a lot lately, maybe all what she needed was just rest.

She must be hallucinating or something close to that.

She checked his maths note and found that even alphabets are not correctly written, numbers were practically not well and he got even the simplest sums wrong.

When had all these begun and she did not take note of it. How did Jake become these playful, she had considered the thought of getting a lesson since he was in primary 1 but he was doing just fine then and he was slightly below average in class, but with last two terms results and these new discovery she was not sure what to think of again.

She tries her best to assist her son when doing assignments even when she did not understand most of the topics or why there should be kept in school curriculum, but she can't just help being a bad mother.

She is a bad mother, the word drawn on her, because if her past she earned her son a suspension from school, she has not made it a point of duty to go through her sons books and now her son is lagging behind in school and his peers, no wonder Jake was promoted on trial to his next class.

Well there is going to be a change Bright gold herself with absolute resolution, her child would become brilliant, she would find time for her son, look for an extra day during weekends and earn more, all is for her son. Her son will not suffer for her saga.

Jake came back from his punishment, he was famished and to an extent he was grateful for the suspension, he would not have to deal with bullies in school and the teasing from his peers because he is dumb and stupid.

He opened the door of the house and went inside, his mother was not in the sitting room or kitchen, that is quite strange, he dropped his shirt in the sitting room, ran into his room.

Gbam!!!!! He met his Mon going through his notes.

Immediately he saw his mom, he knew he was in for some spanking, his mom had not even spanked him for his suspension and now she was going through his class notes.

He did the most rational thing a seven year old can do, he took to his heels, like no man's business, he wasn't ready for what his mother was going to do to him and that means no football again.

Bright ran after him and soon caught up with him before he made his way outside, she was surprised at her speed, the pulled him and allowed him to face her.

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