Chapter 1: The Flashback

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  Grace was 19 breastfeeding her 4 months baby girl Yandy. Grace was living with her boyfriend at the time she was pregnant, but after baby Yandy was born Grace decided her baby deserves better than 4 meals a day living in a 1 bedroom apartment. "Oww" Grace said
   "My baby. You constantly suck on mamas left boob gosh" Grace said in a baby voice.
  Whilst grace was feeding Yandy she heard a loud voice coming from the chicken.
   "Open the fucking door" The intruder said
  Graces eyes widened. She held the baby and grabbed her blanket and ran to the basement. Grace was staying at her grandmothers house for a couple of days  while her grandmother was on vacation.
    Grace was panicking, she didn't know who was in the house or if he or she had a gun or not. In the basement was the laundry room. She found a laundry basket and put her baby in it. She covered the basket with a cloth.
   "Boom, Boom,Boom" Grace heard three gun shots. Luckily baby Yandy was asleep from the breastfeeding. Grace found the nearest closet and hid in it. Living in the hood was something she feared for her baby. As she heard foot steps coming from the stairs she could recognize the voice.

  "Babe you know I can't-" moaned Grace
  Ripping off her clothes Justin slowly kissing her stomach going down.
   "Justin!" Moaned Grace as she was letting him suck her dry. It was they're second night in the hotel and Grace had been waiting for this night for so long.
   *ring ring*
"what the fuck" Grace whispered
Pulling Justin closer in between her legs.
   "hello" she said quietly
"Yo Gracelynn come get yo motherfucking baby!" The caller yelled
   The phone was on speaker and Grace was trying to avoid Justin knowing that she had a child
  "Shhhhh Damn bitch you can't do one fucking favor for me gosh" Grace whispered
     Justin was slowing coming up from under the covers
   "What's going on" he said confused
Grace hung up the phone and tried to pull his head down
   "What the fuck Grace. What that girl say?" He asked
    Grace ignored him and continued trying to turn him on. She took off her bra showing her big perky boobs. She leaned in for a kiss and was pushed back.
  "Where are you going" she said to Justin
  "You have a child?" Asked Justin putting on his Michael kors jeans and his fancy silk suit. He was a very wealthy guy that could give Grace anything she wanted in the world. She was with him for the money to provide for her and her child
   "Justin come back I got explain" she pleaded but Justin was already at the door.

    "What the hell" Graces baby daddy Robert said barging in to the hotel room. Grace was sacred as fuck. Goosebumps started to appear on her arms. She tried not to give Robert eye contact.
   "Excuse me sir" Justin said pushing Robert out of the way
   "What you doing in my woman's room son" Robert said to Justin
  Justin was a classy rich boy that has nothing to do with immature drama. He thought he was gonna put a ring on this girl but things went south.
   "What!" Justin said in shock. Disgusted from everything Grace was keeping from him
  "I'm making my way out bro so Chill" Justin said still trying to push his way out the door
  "I asked you a god damn question nigga" Robert said which was really stupid to say because Justin was Mexican and lighter than him
  "I'm leaving bro!" Justin said pushing harder.
  They both constantly continue to push one another. Until Robert pulled out his gun. Grace screamed for him to stop, but Robert could care less about what this girl says.
  "Push me again" Robert said holding the gun to Justin's head
  Justin pushed him as hard as he could as he was told.
"Dumbass" Robert said as he aimed the gun to Justin's dick and fired


      Grace awakened from the flash back as she heard a gunshot hoping it wasn't her baby that just got fired at.
   She could hear the foot steps approaching towards the closet and the basket.
   *Yandy Crying*
Baby Yandy was awakened by the gun shot. The intruder was following where the crying was coming from until he hit the washing machine where there was a little basket with a little baby with tiny specks of hair, a gold bib, a pink and white tutu on and an Chanel silver vest , with earrings and necklace  that said Yandy

   "Look what I found" the intruder said picking up baby Yandy. Grace could see him through the closet peep holes. He was in all black with a black mask and everything.
     "My baby.." Grace cried
"Would your bitch of a mother like you burned to death or rotten?" The intruder asked the baby.
   "Noooo" Grace whispered
"Now, now let's go upstairs and wait for your mom. I'm giving her 15 minutes to show herself Yandy or else I'll shoot you and leave you in the house and burn you to ashes" the intruder said in a baby voice
   "Won't that be exciting" he laughed
As baby Yandy stared at him with her hazel brown eyes.

    As Grace heard the foot steps going upstairs she was too afraid to open the closet door. She crossed her fingers and hoped that if she stayed in the closet this would all be a dream. Nevertheless her staying in the closet causes her child to loose her life..

    Note from author:
Hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment for more ideas on the next chapter and what you think would happen. I know if Grace stays in there I would personally kill her :)

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