Chapter 32

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Mendeecees P.O.V

"I don't give a fuck, what the hell" I heard D'Keyah yell.
I was upstairs getting Jayden dressed
"Who the fuck do you think you are!!" She yelled again

"Jay your auntie is crazy" I said to him
He laughed
"Bitch!" Deedra shouted

I was astonished at these girls. I wonder who they was fighting with. Obviously my mom. I picked up Jayden and went downstairs

"Listen little girls, yo don't mess with a Jamaican woman you hear" my mother said angrily
"Yoooo, you testing my patience oh my fucking God-" D'keyah voices
"What the hell is going on here" I interrupted her
"Mendeecee I tried, I tried son but dès gyals don't understand when I'm angry, I'm the Devils mother" my mother said nearly in tears
"Ma calm down, please. Here take Jayden and go to the living room" I said handing her jay

She took him and went into the living room, whilst theses to helpless, girls stood In front of me
"Yo Mendeecee check yo mom cause-" she started to say
"No! Matter of fact ima check you first. Now you REALLY testing my patience." I interrupted her

Deedra sucked her teeth and crossed her arms
"I'm not finished, y'all bicker with my mother all the time. But y'all took it so far to the point where she bouts to turn into the Devils mother" I shouted about to laugh
Deedra chuckled "look we tired of her too. If it wasn't for Jayden I already-"
"Would of be gone, I know! You should of already been gone. We ain't together there's nothing holding you, or your sister back." I hissed
"Yo Deedra I'm sorry but I can't! I can't fake this anymore. I'm not putting up with another bitchy women that isn't my mama" D'keyah started to say "I know you love Jay and all and you want him to have a relationship with his dad, but I'm leaving. I hope you and jay are coming with me"

She ran upstairs. Deedra looked at me with water in her eyes. I guess she wanted me to make the decision for her. I rolled my eyes, showing that I didn't care. She ran after D'keyah.

2 hours later

Deedras P.O.V

D'keyah and I packed our bags. We were ready to leave. Jayden was coming with us. I know taking him was wrong but leaving him was worse.
We were all ready and at the door waiting for our cab.

"Deedra it's here come on!! I'm not wasting another second here"Keyah yelled

"So I guess this is goodbye" I said to Mendeecee
"Just go Deedra, I already said goodbye to Jay. Just get out!" He yelled

I took a deep breath and picked up my suitcase.

I got into the cab with D'Keyah and Jayden
"Where you off too" the cab man said

"Anywhere you wanna take us" I uttered holding Jayden
He told around and started at both Keyah and I and smiled
"My house it is" he chuckled
I closed my eyes as a tear fell
"Deedra?" D'keyah said putting her hand on my lap
"Keyah....just do what I say k" I whispered
"Y'all not virgins right, I can tell by the baby you holding" he said to us "it's ight though, it'll hurt less in bed"

D'keyah and I turned to each other, I can tell that she was scared by the look in her eyes.
I looked down at Jayden and gave him a kiss.
"no matter what happens, I'll always love you"


Mendeecee P.O.V

They're finally gone, but they took my son with them. I know it wasn't the right choice, but I'll never take a child from his mother.

   "They gone?" My mother asked
"Yea" I replied picking up Omere
   "Your life is turning right before your eyes Mendeecee-" she said
   "Wat u mean ma?"
"Your drug business isn't doing so good now, you've just lost your son and god forbid anything happen to him out there with his crazy mother" she continued
   I signed "listen I've done what I could, now my priority is Omere and you"

  She walked into the kitchen annoyed.
I brought Omere near his Toys and we were sitting on the floor playing with them.

  The day was over and I put Omere to bed.
  I was going to sleep without needed to worry about my mom and Deedra, but now having to worry a lot bout Jayden...


    Yandys P.O.V

I made it back in the United States. I was in NewYork but I was staying in a hotel for now.
  Tomorrow was when I was going to see my dad. I just hope everything goes well.
   And Toya, I miss her so much. I gotta catch her up on everything that's been going on in my life. She needs to catch me up on her new baby....

   I took a hot shower and bandaged all my scars. Most of them weren't as bad. Only the one on my thigh. I called for room service so they could bring my stuff to clean it up. Some of them said I needed stitches but I was not trying to go through all that.
  "I'm a big girl, I've dealt with more painful things these couple of months" I thought to myself

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