Chapter 15

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Deedra P.O.V

     When we returned from the hospital the 3rd time I knew Mendeecee feeling some type of way. The second time around I was in the hospital for eating things I shouldn't have been eating because I'm pregnant. The 3rd time I stole weed from the trap and started smoking it. Mendeecee was fed up with me because his boys thought that I was no good. The pregnancy was getting to my head. I've been gaining a lot of wait lately and-and it's just not me.When we went for an ultrasound the doctor said the baby was alright. But that's not what I want. I don't want to have this child but Mendeecee does. If he could only feel the pain I'm feeling inside by carrying this child.
   This morning I woke up in the bed alone. It was around 6:30am.I felt Mendeecee side and it was cold, showing that he's been out of bed for a while. I went into D'keyah's room and she was sound asleep. I went to the living room approaching Mendeecee watching tv and eating breakfast. He didn't say a word to me and I didn't say anything to him. I sat down on the couch beside him and he shot up right away headed to the kitchen. I could feel the tension in the room

  "You wanna talk" I said nearly above a whisper
    He came at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Grabbing the keys right after and he just left.

    Mendeecee P.O.V

For the past few days I couldn't stand looking at Deedra. She did some fucked up shit that hurt me badly. I have a temper that I don't want to take out on a pregnant women. I left the house with out saying anything and headed for the trap. When I got there their was so many cars parked in the front. The door guards weren't even trying to let me in. When I went to the office Kendrick was sitting at the desk with the boys.
    "We've got a problem boy" Kendrick said to me
    Me:Which is
      K: Roberts been after our company for a while now. He just had his kid and is ready to get back on track
      King sucked his teeth slumping on the chair.
     Kendrick said that Robert and his men had already attack the trap and stole half of our weed. He was after Kings company next. Roberts been Kendricks enemy for years. They were at battle of the best drug lord. Roberts was also still searching for his daughter so it made all matters worse. Kendrick wanted me to step up my game with the boys. I just wanted revenge on Robert for taking me away from my family and going to jail.


Yandys P.O.V
     These past few weeks Tiara has been a blessing. She calmed down on all that snitching that she did on me. Master D would just come home angrier and angrier. On Master D's good days I was more like a nanny but in his bad days I was his sex toy, and his friends. Today I was told to take Tiara to get her nails done because her birthday was coming up. When we got to the nail Solon at the mall I dropped her off and went into Macy's that was close by. I was at the little girls section looking at some outfits we could have gotten for T.T

  ???: you need help dear
   Me: nah I'm good thanks
       ???:You shopping for your daughter
      Me:No, I don't have a kid
     ???:Oh.. Sorry, my name is Marvin
     Me:Hi, I'm Yandy

Daquan P.O.V
    I'm Daquan master D great friend, I'm more like his partner in crime. They call me the snitch from hell but I never understood why. When I was at the mall with one of my side chicks. I saw Yandy One of Master D's Girls. Mann I was tight. My jaw shot opened as I hid behind the mannequins. I tripped over a dress and accidentally fell in a bra and underwear pill. There was a women near by looking at me weirdly. "Pervert" she said when I got back up my arm knocked over the mannequin. Yandy turned around so I ducked real quick. I pulled out my phone and made a call

     Me:Yoo, man I see yo girl here with another man.
     D: what? Is tiara with her
   Me:Nah man she by herself wt some bald ass ugly looking ass dude, what do I do?
  I heard D's voice tense up. He told me to do what I had to do. Hahahaha i knew exactly what I wanted to do

Yandys P.O.V
   Marvin: that ones really nice, she'll love it

    Me:Yea, she's sorta a diva
   Marvin:Hahaha well-

???: Yandy wtf is going in
Mar:You know him-
D:I already told master D you fucking around with other guys, and hold up. Where the hell is Tiara. Ooh shitt Yandy you've done it now
He laughed and grabbed my arm. I could feel his nails digging into my skin. Marvin walking away awkwardly staring as Daquan pulled me to the corner. He unzipped his pants

"You must be punished master D allowed me to do this because he was going to be at the trap for the whole tire day"he pulled me onto my knees. Reveling his junk right in front of me. I pulled away, but he grabbed my hair and pulled me in closer to it. I looked around to see people staring. I could see Marvin trying so hard not to look. Tears fell from my eyes why me


Deedra P.O.V

Brenda Came over today. D'keyah went out of state to visit one of our family members. It was just me alone in the house. Brenda And I were alittle too turnt up. She didn't bring her kids so it was just a girls night. I have to admit I did have a couple glasses of liquor but it wasnt as much as she did. We were wasted! We went into the Mendeecee man cave where he kept his guns and money. I took out about a thousand dollars and threw it all on the floor as and I rolled around in it. I grabbed Mendeecees gun and put it in my purse. A couple hours later Brenda Husband Came and picked her up. I noticed he wasn't happy to see her drunk. When Mendeecee got home he didn't say one thing to me. I had to break the silence

Me:Well hello
Me:Talk to me boo
He walked into his office and I followed him. I was walking a bit weird because things started to become a blur. He sat down at his desk using his phone
"Yo look!" I yelled banging the desk
He looked up at me with his eyes widened
"You-you go'nna take me'h to my doc or nah boii" I could barely speak nearly losing my balance
"are you drunk?" he asked grabbed by my arms

Me:Do I look-
Men:Yo Deedra-
Me:No yo you need'day listen to me talking iightt

I my handed connected with his cheek. I could feel the tension in his hands as he hesitated to let go of me

Me:Don't fucking touch me you bastered. You fucking-
Men:Get out!
Men:Deedra what's the hell is going on with you?

I walked out of his office ignoring him.

Later that night when Mendeecee went to bed. I slept in Keyahs room. I layed down staring at the ceiling. I was still a bit wasted because I continued drinking when he left me alone. when I remember I still had the gun in my purse. I tip toes into the room and bent over beside the bed where Mendeecee was sleeping. I grabbed the gun from my purse and aimed it at my stomach-

Mendeecee P.O.V
My eyes slowing opened to sounds in my room. When my eyes were fully opened I could see DEEDRA AIMING A GUN TO HER STOMACH. I shot right out of bed. Grabbing the gun, she wouldn't let go
Me:Deedra please baby don't
D:Leave me alone
Me:D what ever it is we could get through this
D:Get the fuck off me or I'm pulling the trigger

She laughed. I immediately released my hands off of her. Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at me and back down at her belly. I could feel my lips trembling. My heart racing. This bitch was insane

D:You don't know how I feel right now
Me:We could talk about this
D:I don't wanna be a fucking mom, I didn't want this. But you do-you do that why I'm suffering carry this child. Gaining all this unnecessary weight. Because of you
Me:Deedra you need help. I'll give it to you, just put the gun down.

I slowly approached her grabbing the gun. She fought back. I pulled the gun away and heard a fire.

Yooo Deedra is insane. But tell me what y'all think happened
And also tell me what you thought about Daquan embarrassing Yandy like that.
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