Chapter 12

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Robert in the media!!!!!!!!

Toyas P.O.V

1 Month before

I grabbed his arm to turn him around. He noticed my grip and slapped me across my face.

"Don't put yo hands on me hoe, that aint my child Toya!" he yelled

I put my hands on my cheek and I could feel the finger prints.

"Robert your the only man I've had sex with for months." I said in between cries

his boys were at the door. Andre and Brian, Parker and his girl Wife Kim Bob let them in. Robert heard them coming and cleared his face so he wouldn't look angry

"don't show 'em yo cheek and get out" he said quietly

"i don't fuck with little kids" he mumbled on his way out his room

when I got to the living room they were all there, Kim was excited to see me. she knew me because yandy and I were so close. Andre glared at me and sucked his teeth. Robert probably told him what was going on.

"hey babygirl, wheres Yan?" she asked me

"she on vacation with her man" I smiled crookedly

K:oh okay, where you off to

Me:just... going out

K:oh okay

she looked down at my stomach

"T Your pregnant" she gasped

Andres head spun 90 miles per hours towards me

I didn't say anything but smile. I could see Robert frowning

"ITS ROBERTS" I blurted out grinning

the room was silent while everyone looked at Robert

After a while they all left while I stayed in Yandys room painting my nails. Robert busted the room door opened angry with a knife, I lips trembled as I stared into his angery eyes.


he dropped the knife on the floor and climbed on the bed with me. he took off my shorts and my tank top. kissing my lips he entered me with his index finger. I moaned grabbing the bed sheets.

Present Time

1 month later

I hesitated to knock on the door, my baby bump was getting bigger and I needed somewhere to stay because I was kicked out of my apartment since Yandy didn't pay my bills anymore.Bob spotted me through the glass window and let me in. he was surprised to see my belly like this.

"wheres Robert" I asked him
      "In his room" he replied
he took off my coat for me, his facial expression made me laugh

M:stop staring at it like that

B:may I ask toya but who-

M:i don't know yet, that's why im here

Robert came in the kitchen, he was shocked to see me. he rolled his eyes and continue to look in the refrigerator.

"hello did you not see me" I said with an attitude

"ROBERT" I yelled turning him to face me

"don't yell my name like that Toya unless you wanna get slapped" he laughed

I sucked my teeth, I sat on the counter top and waited for him to notice my stomach. I lifted my blouse rubbing my baby bump. He still managed to ignore me

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