Chapter 17

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Mendeecee P.O.V
   I spoke to King about Deedra. He said she never acted the way she does when she was his prisoner. Deedra was really falling apart during her pregnancy. She wasn't the same girl I instantly fell in love with when I saw her. All the girls in the cell returned back to kings. I offered him a deal to have some of the girls stay with me for a while to comfort Deedra until this baby arrives.
   D'keyah was back from her trip. Deedra had a doctors appointment today so we all went together. When we got to the hospital the doctor took Deedra right away. After doing all the test.
"Deedra, you are having a boy" the doctor said
Deedra slumped her head down sighing. I rolled my eyes at her "a son really" I said smiling
"I'm gonna have a NEPHEW" D'Keyah cheered.

Toya's P.O.V
I was up all night taking care of Amari. I swear this baby don't sleep. She just eats and eats. And crys and crys and her daddy doesn't do anything about it.
Speaking of Robert he was at the trap for the morning leaving me with the baby. I bathed Amari and put her in a pink tutu with a white Shirt and black furry vest. I heard voices coming from the kitchen which meant Robert was home. I took Amari out of her crib and went downstairs. Robert , Andre and some other girl were in the kitchen.
     "Oh speaking of the devil" Andre said stuffing his face with coco puffs
"Hello to you to Satan" I replied
   R:this is Keke, Andres Fiancé
  A:You mean wife
     K:we ain't married yet babe
  Me: nice to meet you. Can't believe you marrying this knuckle head

      Hours later the boys were in Roberts office smoking while Keke and I stayed in the living room discussing her wedding.
      "Okay well I'm still looking for my bridesmaid. But.... You wanna be one of them" she asked me
"Omg yass, I would love to. Yay" I cheered
I heard Amari crying upstairs
"Robert!!!" I screamed for him to get her. He didn't respond and Amari was getting louder so I went to get her myself. "Lazy ass!!" I yelled

Keke P.O.V
I'm Keke I'm I've been dating Andre for 7 years  now, we met through Robert. His baby mama grace was my bestfriends. He introduced me to Andre and we've been Friends ever since and he finally proposed. Andre wanted me to involve Roberts newest baby mama so she could help me out in planning. Even though I don't need no hoe helping me plan my wedding. I heard what Toya did to her own Bestfriend. Betraying her and sleeping with her dad. I loved Yandy she was such a joy to be around. I've watched her grow up And I always told her that if I ever got married to her godfather she would be my maid of owner. Since she's germ missing its been a tuff time on Robert that's why I always insist on Andre being around him to keep him calm. This Hoe Toya obviously got pregnant with him for his money. Robert just keeping her around so he could be there for his daughter.
She returned back with her baby

"Aww she's adorable" I said she looked just like Yandy when she was a baby.
"Yea but she won't stop crying." She replied. I held The baby and she instantly stopped crying
"Wow, you have kids-"
"No. Andres to busy to take care of kids. That's why he has so much godchildren" I interrupted her. The guys came up from smoking
"Andre can y'all not bring that stench around here and the baby damn" I voiced
"Yea Yea yea, give me my god baby" he said taking Amari.
"Guess what Robert. I'm gonna be Keke's Bridesmaid in her wedding" she cheered. I sucked my teeth turning the other way

Toya's P.O.V
I was so excited Keke asked me to be her bridesmaid. After I told Robert he looked at me weird
"Why the hell you want her in yo wedding. I thought you was letting Yandy be your maid of owner or whatever it's called" he said
"Not some girl I fucked" he continued to mumble. Everyone was silent.
"Well, yea babe we wanted Yan in the wedding not-" Andre chuckled secretly pointing at me I could see him with the corner of my eye.
I grabbed my baby from Andre. Kicked him in the shin, then stormed off.

I heard knocking on the door
"Open the door Toya" he yelled
I opened it because Amari was sleeping and he was making noise.
"What!" I said whiping my tears
"Are you crying?" He laughed
"You really hurt my feelings Robert" I replied
"Yea Yea, I'm sorry. Look ill make it up to ya. We could go out tonight like you wanted to" he said
I jumped up and gave him a hug. "Thanks babe"
  "Yea, don't call me that ever again!"he said leaving the room
  I laughed closing the door

       Amari went with her Godparents Andre and Keke so Robert and I could go out. I applied makeup to my face and put half my braids up in a bun.  When I got dressed I wore a lace blue thin strapped crop top with a matching long pencil skirt revealing my little belly bump from after giving birth to Amari. And my tattoos. Adding my accessories,  a heart shaped necklace and stud earrings. I wore my red Gucci heels and my cherry red purse. I was all ready to go but Robert was still getting ready. I mean how long does it take for a man to shower and put on a suit.
       20 minutes of driving we got to the club. Robert was already headed to the bar. He held my hand as we walked together. He ordered a 'Black Russian' shot and I got a 'Bellini'. We attached our arms together taking the shot
   "To our baby girl Amari" he said rising the shot glass
  "To Amari" I replied taking the shot.

Robert P.O.V
  It was actually entertaining drinking with Toya. She wasn't always her annoying irritating, stalkish, talkative, self. And the list goes on and on and on. She hit the dance floor alone, while I stayed at the bar.

???: Robert  smith?
   I heard a voice say my name. I rotated my chair
Me: Rae?
  R: omg come here
    *gives hug*
Me:long time no see huh
  R:yea it's been way to long
Me: woah, dat ass woman. I see, i see, you look beautiful
    *spins her around*
R:thank you baby, you don't look bad yo self. You here alone?
   T: Ahem
Ohh shitt. I totally forgot I was here with Toya. Well we weren't here as a couple so it don't matter. Raelyn was my home girl back in the day when she was ugly as shit, and we was just starting our drug business on our block. sleeping with every girl in the neighborhood. I always had a crush on her even though everyone thought she was ugly and damn she's proved them wrong.I vowed to make her my wife one day, and that day could come very soon you know.

"Toya this my friend from when we was younger" I said
     "Raelyn this is Toya-"
"His baby mama" she blurted out
   Yo fuck you Toya!
   R:oh, just yo baby mama..hmmm
T: yea, and I watched you checking him out like that's okay-
   Me: alright well T go back to dancing so I could talk to my friend
T: take me home Robert. I'm done dancing, I wanna go home.

Toya's P.O.V
I crossed my arms "Take me home Robert. I'm done dancing, I wanna go home"
    R: Toya yo! I'm trying to catch up with my friend
  Me: now!
Rae: she's right, I guess she wants to go home to see 'your baby'
   Me: why you saying it like that! It's his child-wanna see the DNA test cause we took one and I fucked-
  R:ENOUGH, fine let's go
He put some money down for his drinks and stormed off. The bitch was still standing in front of me like No! Bye! I walked off as I heard her mumble something. "Hoe"
   I chuckled. Turning around towards the bar I took one of the shot glasses and threw it at her "Bitch" I mumbled existing the building

        The car ride was awkward. My feet were hurting so bad from the heels I took off my shoes and got comfortable. I kinda felt bad that I embarrassed Robert back there.
  "I'm sorry-"
"You know what don't be! We not even together Toya damn" he yelled
   " I know but like-"
"But-Like-Nothing! And if you think we  together or ever will be your absolutely wrong. That was my home girl. I wanted to catch up with her and you do shit like that. And the fact that you brought up the part about you being my baby momma..hmmm.... like do you think I'm proud of that" he continued
   "No.."  Tears fell down my cheek
"Reasons why I don't go out with your dumbass. Like oh 'I'm his baby mama' like no Toya don't say shit like that in front of people you don't know. Like shut the fuck up sometimes damn. Mann if it wasn't for the sake of Amari you wouldn't be in this damn car with me right now. Mm you wouldn't even be sleeping in no damn house" he yelled honking the horn to the car in front of us

     When we got to the house he bolted out of the car. Slamming the door behind him. I stayed in the car staring at him. Thinking about what he said, and beginning to cry.

   Well who knew Andre had a girl. But comment if you felt bad for Toya because of all things Robert said to her;;; OR comment if you think she deserved it.
      Sorry about the chapter being a bit too long, is it??

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