Chapter 18

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Yandy in the media!!!!

Yandys P.O.V
    I woke up to the sound of Master D yelling. I looked at my clock. It was 10:45am. I was able to sleep in the guest room last night because master D was in a good mood.
     "Yo get up we needa talk" he said
  "About what?" I yawned
"First of all yo breath stank so you gotta brush your teeth first" he continued
   I smirked getting off the bed. His phone rang.
  "What ever we have no time sit." He pushed me back
  "I'm having a party tonight for the boys at the trap and a couple of some ladies. I want you to be involved and what not. Like socialize with other people and stop being a bum" he continued
   I looked at him weirdly. He wants me at one of his party's?
  "But why you want me there?" I asked
  "Girl I just said why! I guess you'll be needing some dresses or whatever shit girls need to go to a party. I'll have someone here to help you out by 4:30." He said leaving the room
   "Umm Tiara ain't gonna be here tonight so you can enjoy yourself" he had his evil smirk on. I knew something bad was gonna happen tonight.

     It was 4:30 and the person Master D sent was here. He sat me down to do my hair and makeup. I swear this man was a makeup god. After the makeup I couldn't even recognize myself. It's been a while since I treated myself to these kinda things. After that he showed me the dresses. Everything was so beautiful I couldn't decide. So he picked for me. But then I realized, I don't even know if this is a setup or I'm really going to party.
"Umm in not going to wear a dress" I said
"What do you mean, you going to party eh" he said
"Yes. But I think something bad will happen and I shouldn't be wearing a dress eh" I replied mocking his Canadian slang
"You from the states eh" he asked me (the states:what Canadians refer as United States)
"Yes sir"
"Okay. Stop saying eh" he laughed
"It don't suit your look" he continued, we both laughed
He picked out a causal but elegant outfit for me to wear. It was a blank tank top with a leather jacket and white ripped jeans with black knee high boots. It was almost time to go to the hotel. That's where MasterD was having the party.
The make up artist and I both got in the car, his orders was to drop
me off.
Me: so... I never got your name
P: they call me blessing
     Me: why do they call you blessing
B: because I be blessing them ugly faces, after I'm done with their hair and makeup 
Me: ohh.... Cool well thank you so much for my makeup I would like to get your number. I mean like one day if I get married you know.. You could get me ready
B:we will see Yandy...
Aren't you married to D
Me: um no, I'm his maid I guess
B:oh wow, what a beautiful maid he has
Me:thank you

We finally arrived at the hotel. I went into the building crossing my fingers that nothing goes wrong.
I sat by the bar in the hotel hall where the party was taking place. I was waiting to see master D but I couldn't find him anywhere. I made sure to mind my own business and to stay seated the whole time so I wouldn't get into any drama. While I was sitting I could see Marvin from afar. What was he doing here
We made eye contact and he waved at me. I pretended I didn't see him and looked away.

M:did you not see me waving
Me: oh that was I thought that was like some kind of stranger or something
Me: sit. What are you doing here
M: I should be asking you that
I'm a business associate and my people know D's people so we all decided to come to his party
Me: well to answer your question I'm here because...... I live with master D
M:why do you call him master D
I sighed taking a shot.
Me: I'm his slave more like his prisoner, some what like something else but....
M: woah. 'Prisoner' haven't you thought about leaving or at least tried to
Me: where would I go if I left. I'm not from Canada, I don't know anyone here nor have any money
M: then how did you end up here?

I told Marvin everything that happened from me meeting King, till today. I know. It was kinda weird telling someone I don't know all about my situation. But Marvin told me things about him too. He seemed to care about my problems and wanted to help solve them.

M: look Yan, I have a little sister around your age. I would like to help you, I could imagine how your parents feel
  Me: well my dad only, but I don't know.... I can't leave, if he finds me he'll kill me and that's a promise. He payed good money to keep me permanently
   M: so then... We'll make a plan to get you out, I'll help you. then he won't find you

I stared into Marvin's eyes. He was really serious about helping me. He took out his phone then went on notes. He started to think of ideas. I personally thought this wouldn't work, but I had faith in him and in God. I suffered enough living with master D. I think I've learned my lesson.


Keke's P.O.V

My wedding was in a couple of days and we finished the planning and everything. Even though I don't like Toya she was a BIG help. We also had Amari In the wedding holding the baby. Since she was still kinda small Robert hired a nanny for that day to hold her down the aisle. Andre and Robert have been at the trap a lot lately. They stole weed from the drug dealers in Queens as a threat for not returning Yandy. Robert gave them a deadline and the still intended to ignore it. He was hurting since the plan was to have Yandy in my wedding and Robert took that plan very seriously.


Yandys P.O.V

That night, MasterD's party ended around 1 am. Tiaras mom brought her back home so I had to look after that hyper child. I sat Tiara down to talk to her
Me: T one day when I'm married and living in a castle would you like to come visit me?
T: yes

She played with my fingers as she was sitting on my lap

Me:okay, I love you T.T no matter how this plan turns out
T:What plan?
Me:well... you'll find out when it happens, but I'm trying to go back home to my family, you can't tell daddy okay
T: okay. why can't I come?
Me: because yo daddy gonna kill me if you do
We both laughed. I gave her a kiss on the cheek after I put her in her bed. I went to lay down in the guest room when I heard a racket coming up the stairs.
The door swung opened. As MasterD and two other men came in.
"What's going on?" I asked scared
"We coming to sleep near ya Hun" one of the men said holding a bottle of vodka
"Please just leave me alone" I cried kicking my legs
"Yo, I ain't pay money for you too act childish, you gonna take off your clothes or should I" the other said climbing onto the bed. I pushed away. Master D stood at the door counting cash in his hands
" y'all payed $600. Which means you got 4 hours, continue" he smiled leaving and closing the door behind him
   I tried to fight them off but there was no use. They had a strong grip holding me down.I cried my eyes out as these men kissed my neck and started to go down under the covers.

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