Chapter 29

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Amari & Toya in the media!!!!!

Roberts P.O.V

       Toya and I had a court case today for custody of Amari. I was all ready to win my baby girl. Even though Toya is a great mother she wouldn't stand a chance raising Amari on her own. This bitch don't even have a place to live.

    I called up Andre so we could go together.

Toya's P.O.V

   Today was the day... I never thought it would come to this. Robert finally had a court  date. Amari and I got ready in the hotel. I wore a white turtle neck with a jean jacket and matching pants.
  Amari wore a jean jacket with cheetah print on it, with a black tutu.  I had my lawyer who canceled on me last minute. So I was going in alone.
   "Come baby let, mama take you a picture" I said to Amari trying to let her stand up on her own.
  She cried holding  out her hands for me to pick her up
   "Come on mama, you don't wanna take a picture" I said picking her up. She laid her head on my shoulder sucking her thumb.
"I love you Amari, hopefully daddy knows that and doesn't take you away" I pouted

When we're finally in front of the judge. Amari was sitting with a kind lady behind me. Robert walked into the room late with Andre causing everyone to stare at them.
"All raise!" They said as everyone stood up.
"Robert Smith against Antonia Wright for custody of their daughter Amari Hakim Smith" the judge said

   Sooner or later it started to get real. I cried when ever the judge said Amari's name. Robert would look at me and smile whilst I stared back and frowned.

1 hour later....
    "Robert Smith, Has full custody his Daughter Amari Hakim Smith" the judge announced
The court room started to get nosy. Putting my head down on my lap I started to cry.

Roberts P.O.V

YES! I finally won my baby girl. This shit was taking too long. But it was worth the wait. After the Juge spoke, a woman handed me Amari. I wanted to speak to Toya but she wasn't in the room. I told Andre to take Amari and go get the car while I went to the cafe to get something to eat. Was it ironic that, thats  where Toya was? She was stuffing her face with a sandwich and some chips
"Don't eat yo pain away, you'll get fat" I laughed at her
She looked at me with her watery eyes
"Is this funny to you?" Her voice hardened
"Hey, it was a fair game. I told you we was going to court didn't I?" I replied
"Robert you ripped a child from her mothers hands" she said
"That's why you could come see her on the weekends" I pulled out a chair "look I don't want yo child support money or anything, I just want my daughter to be in good hands" I continued

My phone began to ring
"Hello?" I said
"You got a new phone?" Toya asked me
"Yea, my phone broke when you decided to call me" I chuckled getting up

   "Robert..." She said with a soft voice. I hesitated to stop "T, I'll call you" I said walking away

When Andre pulled up with the car, I got in and we went home
A: you excited?
Me:for what?
A: you finally have Amari
Me: yah... But that means I gotta find me a full time nanny man
We both laughed
Me: but all jokes aside, I really wish Yandy was here to be with her little sister.

3 month later.....

Toya's P.O.V

Robert called me not to long ago and told me he wanted me to come over because he had to tell me something. I really hoped he was going to ask me to move back in because he can't take care of Amari on his own. But I obviously thought wrong
When I got there Robert had me sitting in the living room waiting for him for like 30 minutes.
"I'm here-I'm here" he breathing heavily
"Yea, 30 minutes late" I smirked
"Sorry, the trap house was busy, I had a lot to do." He said "You look great" he continued
  "Thanks you don't look bad yourself" I replied
I looked around confused "where's Amari?"
"At daycare" he said with no worries
I crossed my arms
Me: why is she in daycare
A: because I have work to do Toya
Me: reasons why she could be with me while you working
R: no Toya, I want her to go to daycare

I rolled my eyes
Me: why did you call me here anyway?
R: it ain't like you got something better to do bitch sit yo ass down and drop the attitude
I did exactly what he said
R: I decided that I am going to move my drug business out of New York
Me: okay... What does it have to do with me
R: I'm leaving New York
Me: still lost
R: Toya, you that stupid?
  He laughed then continued
R: I'm leaving with Amari girl damn

My eyes widened
" Robert you can't" I hollered getting up
"Actually I can, Amari is under my care now I could do what ever I want" he replied
    "With the fuck Robert!!"
"Actually I burned her to death" he mumbled
"Huh?" I pretended not to hear him
"Nothing! Listen T this is the reason why I called you to my house, To let you know. Come on give me some credit for that" he pouted
"FUCK YOU ROBERT"I yelled throwing a pillow at him

Roberts P.O.V

Was I hearing things?
"Yo! I got a million little things in my head that is telling me to kill yo ass right now" I said grabbing her arm "I can't let you go that easy. WASNT YOUR ASS THE SAME PERSON WHO WENT OVER TO MY ENIMES BEHIND MY BACK AND GAVE THEM INFO ABOUT ANDRES WEDDING" my voice hardened "AND THE SAME PERSON WHO RISKED MY DAUGHTERS LIFE TO SAVE YOUR OWN ASS"

Everything was coming back to me. All the shit that Toya did. Everything was starting to Appear in my head. There was only one little human holding me back from killing her. And that was Amari.
"So what!" she said with an attitude
I threw her to the ground. Pulling out my gun and pointing it at her
"Don't kill me Robert" she cried
"Don't kill me Robert" I mocked her
"Bitch I should've already been done killing you. Get the hell up" I yelled

She stood up as I decked her in the face causing her to fall one last time. I know I shouldn't be putting my hands on a woman but I don't give a fuck at this point in life. Toya has fucked me over too many times.

"Get the hell up!" I yelled, about to laughed because of the ugly Face she made
"Now let me tell you something Hoe. You and I was a mistake that I'll forever regret. Then again, I wouldn't have Amari if it wasn't for you. Toya I've gone through hell because of your selfish ways. That didn't  only affect me but my boys as well. I can't wait to leave New York with Amari and not have to see your face again." I chuckled at the end.
She crossed her arms whimpering.
"I hope you live a happy life, with what ever man that wants you. But I'll promise you this. Because of what you caused by entering my room that night after you and Yandy came back from clubbing. I may never be happy again. Because that's where it all started." I said with a soft voice
   She stared at me and the look on her face I-I just wanted to slap her. But you can't lay yo hands on a woman so ima fall back this time.
    "Get the fuck out Toya!" I screamed
   She existed my mansion limping on one leg,  crying
  "It was nice knowing ya" I laughed slamming the door

   Okay! Since y'all wanted something bad to happen to Toya... There you have it.
  This chapter was long cuz Toya won't be coming back for the rest of the book.
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