Mall Strangers to what?? (One Direction)

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Hey Ya'll! I just wanted to let you know this is my Fourth book some so this book might get a LITTLE dirty I don't like that much dirty in this and to much lovey dovey so a only put 10% Dirty maybe 10%Teen Fiction and 80%FAN FICTION none of this is true and if it was I'm gonna go to another country or somethin.... Anywho good luck ya'll LUV YA! P.S. If @BreannaHulton reads this HI BREANNA !



HI I'm Amberlie Marceline M. Judson! You can call me AMBER! Im 19 turning 20 in November 16, and I'm from Sydney, Australia still living there. I love One Direction which makes me a Directioner basically I love Louis and Niall but lets go on shall we? Okay I have Blue-Greenish eyes, 5'6 tall I jog alot and eat some fats so I'm curvy,I have blonde hair but I colored my hair purple but from the part startign from the scalp is dark purple then it turns light and lights and my hair stops at my chest... I finished High School and ended up just finishing only TWO years of college but I'm just fine with it...

HI I'm Breanna Angela Hulton I'm just turned 20 on February 05 and I'm from U.S.A. but moved to Sydney, Australia with my other best friend to move in Natalie...I'm also a Directioner but I really love Liam..Anyway I have Hazel eyes,wavy brunette hair with Aqua color highlights that stops at my elbows Finish High School and a four year course in my college years since I graduate at the age 16 and also I'm curvy like Natalie...And I'm 5'6 tall... I don't like long introductions.

Hi I'm Angelica Ivorie Judgeholder {A/N is that how you spell your first name @BrokenButLoved97 ??} I'm 20 and I'm also from U.S.A. same story with Breanna we moved from U.S.  we graduated high school and college blablabla...Im also a Directioner but I love Louis the most... Anyway I have light blue eyes,brown long hair and it stops at my back and my hair is fully sky blue its like a thing for us three to have colors in our hair me and Amber colored our hair when I was 16 and she was 15 and it was two months before her birthday and Breanna only 'highlighted' her hair when we were 17 because we forced her into it.(Gosh she's such a goody two shoes sometimes)








Chapter One part 1?

'Amber's P.O.V.'

I woke up at... What the F*** wait no I mean what the mushrooms?!?!?It's 10 o'clock in the morning in the first day of summer I need to tell the girls to hang out at the park and go to the mall! Ahhh... the mall girl's dream of living there...OH FUDGE THE TIME! So I grabbed my phone and went to Breanna's room first mwahahahaha.... "Oh Breanna..." she is scared of balloons popping so i was blowing a paper bag then...BOOM!! "AGGHHHH!!!FUDGING HELL!" Breanna screamed and I was laughing my ass off, "YOu-COuld've-SEEn-YOur-FaCe-"I said between laughs...

"Oh Very Funny LieBear!" Breanna said with the 'WTF' look, I look down in defeat this girl has skills! "I'm sorry I was just excited because its summer", I said giving my puppy eyes to her she hates it because its adorable overload... "UGH! Fine just go wake up Hale so we can ya know Hang?" she said, okay so Angel... She doesn't like pranks or suprises which is no fun *pouts* so I opened her room...Yeah my or should I say our house is big I know I have 17 vacant rooms left plus huge staircases but we are okay with that and we don't pay the bills my parents do but my parents are wealthy but I won't waste all of their money I'm a good girl...

Mall Strangers to what?? (One Direction) {UNDER HUGE EDITING!}Where stories live. Discover now