Getting to know you(Taecyoon story)

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Chapter 1

*Yoona's POV*

“Girls come on, we're late! I shouted at my fellow Girls Generation members, who were running closely behind me towards the stage. We've been invited to preform at the Music Bank Concert for fans, along with other idol groups like 2PM, C.N. Blue, f(x), Wonder Girls, and many more. It was our turn to perform, but there was a problem, so we got a little distracted. As we finally got to the stage, we took a deep breath, and headed out. “Anniyeogasseo, So Nyu Shi Dae-mnida!” we said all together. Time passed by as we performed “Gee”, “Baby Baby”, “Kissing you” and finished off with our latest single “I got a boy.” Soon, we were off the stage and it was C.N. Blue's turn to perform. On our way back to our dressing room, I noticed that Seohyun was walking quietly with her head hung down instead of joking around like the other girls. I could easily tell something was wrong. I playfully locked arms with her and leaned my head on her shoulder. “Whats wrong, maknae?” I asked her trying to cheer her up, but she continued to look down, not speaking a word.

We were almost to our room, when we passed C.N. Blue. We greeted each other as we passed and I realized that Yonghwa had the same expression as Seohyun. Once we got to the dressing room, I saw a tear run down her cheek as she looked up at me. “Unnie, I miss Yong!” she managed to say between sobs. Three years ago, she was married to Yonghwa on a TV show named We got Married, but after that, they lost track of each other with all of the tours and fan meetings. This was one of the rare times they got to see each other, so I felt sorry for her. “Hey, I got an idea,” I said, seeing her looking up. “how about you write him a note! I could go give it to him, they should be heading back to their room by now!” “Okay!” her face lit up and started writing the note. I waited until she was done, told the girls I'll be back and ran out the door. I looked back at Seohyun who was already anxious to get a note back, and smiled. I must have crashed into something hard since it knocked me down to the floor with a THUD. I closed my eyes for a second, trying to hold in the pain on my side. “I am so sorry, are you okay?” I heard a handsome voice say. “I opened my eyes to see a very handsome, yet worried face standing over me. It was none other than 2PM's idol beast, Ok Taecyeon. I have seen him on TV and magazines, but have never seen him in person.

“Yea, I'm fine.”I said as he helped me up from the floor. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my side as I bent down to pick up Seohyun's note to Yonghwa. “Ow.” I whined as I struggled to straighten back up. “Are you sure you're okay? Here, I'll take you to our room and I'll come back after our performance okay?” He said as he put one of his huge beast-like arms around my waist. “Sorry Taecyeon, but I have something important to do.” I said, trying to move his arm. I looked up at him, meeting his gorgeous brown eyes only for a second. He looked down disappointed, but looked back saying, “You're hurt, I think it can wait a little while, come on.”He tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me towards the direction of their room. Then he sat me down on the sofa in his room and got me a drink before he left “I'll be right back.” He said as he darted out the door. I layed back and looked around 2pm's room, waiting for Taecyeon and the others to get back, when I remembered the note. “Oh crap!The note!” I shot up from the sofa and paced towards the door. I looked around the hallway to see if there was any sign of C.N. Blue's room. Luckily, C.N. Blue's room was right next to 2pm's, which meant that I could sneak back to the room after I gave Yonghwa the note. I softly knocked on the door and waited for an answer. “Come in!” someone answered as I slowly opened the door. “Anniye-” I started to say to the C.N. Blue members before I was interrupted. “Oh, Yoona-sshi,”said a surprised Yonghwa. “What are you doing here?” “I have a note for you, from Hyun.” I said slowly. His face saddened as I used the nickname only he used for Seohyun, but bravely took the note from my hand. He opened it and started reading it.

By the time he finished, I could see there was a bright smile plastered on his face. He quickly took paper and a pen from the desk and started writing a note back. “Here, can you take this to her, please?” He said, handing over the note. “Yeah sure, I'd love to,” I said, taking it an putting it in my back pocket. “Thanks Yoona, you're daebak!” he shouted as I closed the door to their room. I went back to 2pm's dressing room, making sure they hadn't arrived yet before going in. As I sat down, I felt the sharp pain again on my side and clenched my teeth. After a while, it passed and I layed back on the sofa, not realizing I was slowly drifting off to sleep. “Yoona-sshi, wake up.” a familiar voice said, shaking me. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw 6 pairs of eyes looking down at me. “Oh! Mhianne.” I said, quickly sitting up, not remembering the pain I had on my side. “OW!” I yelled. I looked up to see the boys laughing, except for Taecyeon, who still looked worried. “Yoona, it still hurts?” he asks. “Y-yeah, but only a little, I'm okay.” I hesitated to say. “What happened to Yoona, Taecyeon?” asked Nichkhun, one of the 2pm members. “I'll tell you later, but can you guys leave us alone for a second, I have to talk to her.” Taecyeon told the guys and they headed out to the hallway. He turned around to face me, but I looked down. “Look,” he said as he sat down next to me. “I'm really sorry that I knocked you down, let me at least take you to the hospital to get it checked.”I looked up, meeting his eyes instantly. “Okay fine Taecyeon, only if it'll make you feel better.”I answered, slowly getting up. “Here, I'll help you to the car.” he said, letting me lean on him.

Once we got it the car, he looked at me and smiled. We drove to the hospital, not speaking a word. Once we got there, he helped me to the waiting room and sat me in one of the small teal chairs. “Wait here.” he said. He walked up to the receptionist and asked for a checkup. He sat next to me once he finished and waiting for my name to be called. “Im Yoona!” called a tall, skinny nurse a couple minutes later. I got up and walked towards her, but stopped when I saw Taecyeon following me. “Why did they let you come with me,” I asked “You're not a family member.” Taecyeon looked at me but looked down at the floor. “I wanted to see how hurt your side was, so I told them I was your husband. It's amazing how they didn't recognize us ” he said,quickly. “OK TAECYEON!” I yelled. “Why would you say som-” “Miss, please keep up.” interrupted the nurse as she started walking again. “We'll talk about this later.” I whispered to him as we walked behind the nurse. Once we got to the room, I told Taecyeon to wait outside the door while I got checked. A few minutes later, the doctor came in and checked my side. “Well, Yoona,” she said, smiling. “Good news is, it's not broken or anything. Just put a medical patch on it for a few days and you're good to go.” “Thanks.” I said, stepping off the examination table. “By the way, you have a good looking husband. You're lucky to have him.” she said. I didn't want Taecyeon nor I to get into trouble, so I just went with it. “Thanks, I sure am.” I said, walking out the door.

Even though I went with it, I was still mad at Taecyeon for telling the hospital that we were married. He stood up once he saw me, but I ignored him and walked past him. “Yoona!” He called after me. I stopped and turned back to face him. “Take me home, Taecyeon.” I said coldly. He simply nodded and we headed to the car. We stayed quiet for a while, but he couldn't take it anymore. “Yoona, please don't be mad. I just wanted to see how hurt you were because it was my fault you got hurt in the first place.” he said, desperately. “But you did it without my permission. What if there's another scandal because of this? What are we gonna do then?” I asked, turning towards him. I waited for his answer, but he didn't a word. We pulled up to SNSD's apartment. I started taking off my seat belt, until I felt his hand grab my arm. I looked up at him, surprised. “Don't go Yoona.” he said looking at me sadly. “Please, if anything happens, I'll take care of it, just forgive me.” I looked at him and thought about it. For the first time, I noticed he was really handsome. Every time I looked into his eyes, it melted me. But just because of that, I wasn't going to forgive him. “Look, Taecyeon, I'll think about it and call you later.” I said. “Arasso, but don't forget.” he said, letting go of my arm. I got out of the car and walked towards the door. I turned back to wave, but he was already gone.

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