Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*2pm's Studio*

*Taecyeon's POV*

It's been a week since I last saw Yoona. Why hasn't she called me yet? Did I scare her? All these thoughts were rushing to my head. I couldn't concentrate on anything....Maybe I should call her. I took out my phone and searched for her contact. “Taecyeon!” yelled the choreographer, startling me. “Put your phone away and pay attention! You guys have to get this dance by the end of the week!” “Sorry, I'll get it, don't worry!” I said, putting my phone back in my pocket. After he scolded me, he gave us a 10 minute break to clear my head. “Hyung, what's wrong? You're usually the first one to get the dances.” asked Wooyoung. “A-anniya. I'm just a little tired, I'll be alright.” I lied. After the break, we continued to practice until we got it right. “Okay, you guys are done for the day, good job! And Taec, stay more on task. I don't know whats going on with you these days.” said the choreographer as we wrapped up. “Sorry, I promise I'll do better tomorrow.” I responded. After leaving the studio around 5pm, we went home since we didn't have much of a schedule today. As soon as we got there, I went straight to my room and threw myself on the bed. I looked up at the ceiling and thought to myself. Why did I even tell her? Why did I pick that time to tell her I had feelings for her. Why me?

I closed my eyes and tried to relax. “Taecyeon!” I heard someone yell, opening the door. I heard running footsteps, but I didn't bother to open my eyes since I wasn't in a good mood. Suddenly, I felt a huge pressure on top of me, I opened my eyes to find Khun laying across my chest. “What the-NICHKHUN GET OFF OF ME!” I yelled, trying to take him off. “No, not until you tell me what's wrong! You've been in a bad mood all week and it's freaking all of us out!” he said, now pinning me down. I managed to get him off me, but he fell off the bed. “OW! Hey, that hurt!” he yelled, rubbing his arm and getting up. “Sorry if I worried you guys.” I said, scooting over so he could sit. “What happened? Ever since you talked to Yoona right before going home, you've been quiet.” he asked. Maybe I should tell him, at least he'll know what to do. “Well, when I took Yoona to talk to her, I told her I liked her.” I told him. “Bwoh?!” he said, shocked. “But you told us you didn't like her! Aish, jinja!” he yelled, getting up. “I didn't want you guys to be making fun of it so I kept it a secret. Believe me, I wasn't planning on telling her, but when I saw her today, how beautiful she looked and spending time together, something clicked and I couldn't keep it any longer! I think I freaked her out.” I told him, burying my face in my hands. “What should I do, Khun?” I mumbled. I felt Nichkhun put his hand on my shoulder. “It's okay, I'll help. Do you really like her that much you pabo?” he chuckled. I looked up at him and smiled. “Thanks, Khun. But she hasn't called in a week, what should w-” The sound of my phone interrupted me. Khun picked it up from the dresser and looked to see who it was. His eyes widened as he handed me the phone. “It's her.”


Hey guys, Looks like Yoona finally called! Im wondering what kind of conversation they'll have....any ideas, let me know plz (:

Im not sure if I'll be able to update next week but i'll try. 

I really miss YongSeo in real life at this moment :( 

Comment and Vote! (: Shoutouts to my buddy Yasmin, if you're reading this, thanks alot for everything and I hope you like this chapter ^^

Annyeong beautiful people! <3 

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